23 Oct. 2019 Firmware missing menu item

I updated the firmware on my Rambo 1.4 with dual endstops from the April (I think) to the 23 October version; however, now I no longer have the option to save my settings/configuration (e.g., calibrating X, Y, and Z steps/mm); therefore, I loose the configuration every time the machine is turned off.

Am I missing something? I looked for it in other menus too but not there.



Sounds like EEPROM is turned off. It should be in the Configuration.h

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Dang it it is off again, it got moved so that kicked out my setting…grrr So many changes.

What about putting one or all the configurations in the examples folder in the main Marlin? I think thinkhead has a way to keep those up to date when he does changes. At least, you’d have a better vanilla place to start from.

I have everything based off of a ramps profile from there there are not many changes to each branch, but if I miss a change it happens to all of them. Right not they are messing with a lot of things so I am hesitant to update right now and making the eeprom change to all of them just for that is kind of a lot of work. Hopefully they slow down again or hit the RC/release mark soon.

Is this the line you’re talking about:

//#define EEPROM_SETTINGS // Persistent storage with M500 and M501




On the bright side, the spindle control, that was not working before, is now working!!


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