Alternative to Rambo board?

I think I’ve destroyed my Rambo motherboard. Everything was working fine yesterday, and today, all I get is a blank screen on the LCD screen, and I can’t connect to the board from my laptop. I was tidying up my wiring, and I possibly shorted something. The green LED next to the reset button comes on when I power it up, as does a red LED near LED6 (can’t read its name). But that’s it.

I have a spare (unused) SKR E3 Mini board. Is it possible to use that instead? Or should I spring for another Rambo board?


Check the fuses and the power supply first.

You can use almost any printer board, but you will need to be able to flash it and you will need to configure it yourself.

Have you tried connecting to it using serial terminal? I don’t know how that can help you, it just came to my mind…


If those check out, try to reflash it. It is really hard to kill these boards unless you dropped a hot wire onto the board and it hit random pins.

Hi Jeff,
This forum would be so much poorer if not for your constant assistance. Thank you. And yes, I’ll give both suggestions a go today.



OK, I’ve downloaded the preconfigured Rambo files, loaded them into platformio and checked that there was nothing obviously weird. Then I built it. The build was successful, but there was no “firmware.bin” file at the successful conclusion of the build. Confused, I then re-built the image for my 3D printer, and that produced the required firmware.bin, as expected.

I’m a little confused. Is there some sort of setting I should be applying in order to get platformio to produce the BIN file?


For the rambo it should load it over USB just like the old arduino ide did, no bin file. Check mark then right arrow.

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Thank you. Let me give that a try.

You little beauty! All back to “normal”. Those Rambo boards really ARE hard to kill.
