Archim2 back to the Default

My Archim2 board will not work after trying to do a flash

Am I using the correct Marlin which one should I use?

MARLIN-DUAL-END-STOPS or Marlin-MPCNC_Archim2_T8_16T_LCD_16step

Just what is the correct Marlin to use could you give me the link to put this back to the default build

I tried

And others with no results

Marlin says upload was Verify successful

but when I run Repetier-Host

I get this message Error Printer halted kill called

How do I enter any Gcodes without using Repetier-Host

Is there a different program to enter G0 X20 to test my board

I don’t know what wires you have?

The above two are the only ones that work, I have no idea what file that is. Please look through the firmware page again for flashing instructions.

Repetier host is the easiest way other than using your screen.


Before I answer any more questions on your three posts, please, please upload some pictures of what you have. This will save us all a lot of time asking you tiny questions.

You said The above two are the only ones that work, I have no idea what file that is. Please look through the firmware page again for flashing instructions.
I use this
A preconfigured Marlin4due Firmware is preloaded onto the board. Source code for this firmware is here.
and that worked



If that link is from the ultimachine site, it is generic, old, and not configured for any machine or LCD’s. Please look at my firmware page.

[attachment file=105584]


So what I understand when I bought the Archim2 it was not ready for prime-Time and it can’t support the Dual End Stops also it can’t even support the Display If that’s true then why did they sale this board to me

No, that is not true. It has LCD and dual endstops (dual link).

I downloaded and tried these three programs and the only one that worked was Marlin4Due-Archim2

using this one MPCNC_Archim2_T8_16T_LCD_16step nothing worked no X Y or Z

using this one Marlin-MPCNC_Archim1_T8_16T_LCD_DualEndstop nothing worked no X Y or Z

using this on Marlin4Due-Archim2 the steppers worked but no Dual End Stops or Displays

Nothing on E0 or E1 only X1 Y1 AND Z

The display did not work for any of the programs

I did Try swapping the display cables no help

I tested the display on other machines and works just fine

I answered your other thread, please keep everything in one place.