Ardunio preconfigured files

In an ideal world, the processor on your computer should be computing as much as it can, and letting the 8bit mega just read the answers. I think they have been playing a lot of those tricks recently, to get the speed up.

My buddy was able to burn the mega using a windows 7 machine and Ardunio 1.8.9??. Not 1.8.12. Now to take it home and see if it will run my ramps board. It just dawned on me that I will still need to be able to burn to it when I start adding in endstops and z probe.

not sure what changed for arduino but I can connect to it and upload as needed. I was able to figure out via different forums that my baud rate was not set correctly.
Thanks for everyone’s help and suggestions. do i need to mark this closed in some way?

Nope. Don’t worry about it. Glad it’s working for you.

Did you end up using the V1CNC_ version I posted, or the MPCNC_ version?

the MPCNC. next is understanding end stops, home, touchplate, and limit switches. I will be doing multiple cutter heads in a single job and want to maximize on the ability to home and use a touch plate.