Back at it with a custom MP3DP

Filament def set to 1.75, I tried setting the extruder multiplier to 1.1 and that didn’t even have an effect which is very strange to me. here is a picture of how it looks right now.


edit: I might try throwing a normal MK8 extruder on there to make sure the issue isnt with anything else, I did tune the esteps btw.

That model is the right size? each axis is moving, say 10mm, not 20? What about extrusion width, This setting is usually buried and not always allowed to be changed but if everything is correct and somehow got set wrong it does this. so even if you say the nozzle is correct and filament is correct it still asks how wide to make each line, so a 0.4mm nozzle usually makes ~0.45mm line.

model is the correct size, slicer I use doesnt have an accessible ‘extrusion width’ the nozzle is .4mm should I try adjusting the nozzle size?

so, I tried a different nozzle of the same size (0.4mm) same result, so I cranked the nozzle size in the slicer all the way down to 0.2mm and now I have no gaps anymore, for obvious reasons, the gaps are filled by more lines. but why is my extruder not pushing enough to fill those spaces.


I’ve checked and re-checked the steps per mm, and extruder output and it all seems fine, till I’m actually printing something.

You’ll need to tell us what slicer you’re using then. Pretty much every slicer has the option to set the line width.

reluctantly its mattercontrol 2.0, havent had the time to put into cura or something to learn a new slicer.

Ahh, I use matter control, but mostly for quick modeling. I know there’s a line width for perimeters and first layer, but not for infill, but it seems you’re only underextruding for infill.


If you move the Z up + 10mm, it does indeed go up 10mm, right? May I ask what your current esteps are, and if they’re confirmed saved to the eeprom?

yup, checked the esteps over and over and over, their all good: X-200, Y-200, Z-800, E1-200, E2-200


Yea, its only under extruding during infill, no idea whats going on!

1/32nd microstepping? Drv8825s w/ all the jumpers?

Ryan has some slic3r settings linked (from his extruder shop page, iirc). They are slowish, but reliable. It would be worth a shot to limit the search space.

BTW, the prusa slicer (forked from slic3r) has almost identical settings and has been working really well for me.

yup, 1/32 (all jumpers) with Drv8825s, I’d give the slicer settings a shot.

so I cranked the e-steps up to 800, and it finally had an effect on it, much more solid but still has that weird pattern on top. starting to think something is wrong with the extruder. Going to hook up a normal MK8 later tonight to see what happens.

I believe I’ve located the source of the problem, and its with the extruder. Not sure the cause, but whats happening is the extruder filament is slipping, I see the gear slowly and evenly spin but the filament moves very inconstantly, like it cant get pushed thought the extruder fast enough and is rebounding back.


edit: bit of research strongly suggests my feed rate is to high!

Could it still be a temperature issue? It might be cooling some when you’re extruding a lot. Because the heater isn’t keeping up with the amount of plastic. Did you run the pid tuning by chance?

I switched to a normal MK8 direct drive to see if the extruder was the problem, EXACTLY the same issue. I did run the PID tuning.

Hmmm. Interesting… (that’s code for idk).

It definitely might be running infill too fast. might be worth checking if your extruder gears are turning correctly, and if filament is moving correctly/not slipping. Might need to add more or less tension to the arm.

It was slipping; I solved that but still same problem as before.

My plan now is to just disassemble the whole thing this weekend and reassemble it; debugging specific things seems to be not getting me there.

So, I believe I figured it out. it was because I’m using DRV8825 instead of A4988 (which im used too!) the jumpers result in different step modes for each chip, I had no idea… it was set to 1/32 instead of 1/16 cant test it yet, but this def seems like the problem based on some extruding tests

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