Beginning FreeCAD/Other Software

Hi All~

      Probably a very simple question to answer, so thanks for the indulgence.

      Finished my first build, and ready for first "print".

      I was going to do a simple counter-relief text in clear acrylic (meaning the text would be the negative space).

      My first question is pretty general.  There seems to be a lot of information out there about using software, but a lot of it seems to be geared toward additive as opposed to subtractive process.  I am hoping that someone can point me towards a resource that will help me avoid common pitfalls, and help me discern what software is best to generate the gcode?

    My second is pretty specific.  In that first project, I can create extruded text, and subtract (cut) out of a rectangular 3d box. (FreeCAD).  But is there another way to NOT have the edges of the box in the toolpath?  Would this be done in the modeling process, or later in EstlCAM or Repetier?

                   Thank you for any pointers
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Be sure to check out the software workflow doc. I would use inkscape to make the text and save it as an svg. Then I would open that in estlcam and choose holes and pockets for the letters, and pick the depths on those toolpaths.

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Awesome. Thank you for the resource and the advice!