Build complete. Need TFT24 help

There is a third cable specifically for the tft. I have it oriented as per BBT docs.

First is make sure your camera is oriented correctly so that the photo is taken landscape. sometimes the Phone cameras don’t change quickly enough after rotating and you take the pic and it is saved as portrait. Usually you can just edit the photo in the native photo viewer on the phone to rotate it before you post it.

However, there are some instances where Discourse, the forum software we are using, and some mobile devices have not been about to play well together.

Is there a way to manually rotate an image - #29 by codinghorror - support - Discourse Meta

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Yep, that was it. I resized them and it broke the orientation metadata. I fixed them. Thank you.

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That looks like my dream desk, in my dream shop. You are really winning with the style points for those pics! My logo’s, Grandfather/mother clock, car lift, just the right amount of clean but not too clean…Heck yeah! Can’t wait to see what comes out of that build.

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Thanks Ryan. Do you still carry the long display cables? I couldn’t find them in the shop.

This is probably serial port assignment. Set serial_port 0 and serial_port2 -1

The LCDs have been customized to come with them now. At least as long is stable, 5cm more and we started to see issues.

Thanks for the reply Edward. Hopefully I’ll have a chance to check it tomorrow. I’m assuming that’s somewhere in the configuration.h file. Please correct me if I’m wrong.

Correct, it’s configuration.h

Ok, where to start? I’m having an issue RE-flashing the board. I made the changes in config.h, no issues compiling, but couldn’t upload to the microSD card. It’s like the card just died. The mpcnc is now in my garage, so i’m using the pc in my house to make the changes to the card. I tried reading the card on 2 pc’s and nothing. I’ve read about the skr boards having issues with the included cards, so ok, i bought a new card.

So now i’ve got the newly compiled firmware.bin file on the new card, but the board just boots to the old version that’s already been loaded on it instead of updating to the new bin file.

I found a video on YouTube dealing with this issue and have followed it by including a mock firmware.cur file on the card, as well as partitioning the card to a much smaller size, and it’s still not updating the board.

I haven’t totally broken the machine yet trying to fix this, but I really wanted the touch screen feature for ease of jogging.

I’ve managed to update the tft24 in the mean time with no issue, but it’s all for not if i can’t enable it. Any idea what i’m missing here or what may be the issue?

Okay, how big is your SD card? If it’s larger than 32gig, it’ll be formatted xfat by default and it won’t be read by the SKR. You’ll need to format the card fat32.

Note to self: FAT32 and exFAT are not the same thing. Lol. It’s been a long time that i’ve formatted anything. FAT32 wasn’t an option when i first tried to format it, then after having to format it in ntfs to be able to partition the microSD card in command prompt, i just grabbed exFAT from the gui. But thank you. Thank fixed the read problem.

However, the touch screen still has the “no printer attached” message. I’m not sure how to confirm which version i’m running on the board now, but looking at the microSD card, the firmware.bin file is gone, so i’m assuming that it flashed correctly. I thought the firmware.cur file time stamp would have changed but it’s still the same time as when i created it. It has size to it now though. Before it was 0kb and it’s now 142kb.

Where in marlin can i change the build number(?) that i see on the V1 spash screen as it boots? Changing this would help me confirm that the changes were made, correct?

Once marlin has booted, send a M502 then M500 to load defaults and save to eeprom. Then reboot the board again. You did set serial_port 0 and serial_port2 -1 and removed the // from in front?

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Edward. Thank you so much. Discourse will only let me select one of your comments as “solution”, even though you’ve help solve several of my issues.

I was wanting to do the joystick thing, but with the touch screen now working it seems pointless. Thanks again. I love this place.

Any idea how to reverse the direction of the knob thingy so it’s more intuitive? I was hoping the tft update would address that, but nope. Most of the videos i see, everyone turns it the wrong direction first, because it’s backwards. I do it every time. Lol.

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You’ll need to use either or both of #enable REVERSE_MENU_DIRECTION and
switch the values of the pins BTN_EN1 and BTN_EN2 , depending if it’s the menu order, the number adjustment or both you want to change.

The encoder knob just seems backwards in LCD mode. If you’re moving the X , you have to turn the knob counterclockwise to increase the value, instead of clockwise to turn it “up”, and in the menus you have to “back it up”(counterclockwise) to scroll down.

I guess it doesn’t really matter now. I’ll most likely be in touch mode for the majority of the time now that it’s working. If i find that i need something in LCD, there should be a way to create that function for the touch screen, no? I haven’t used the cnc to make anything so far, so i most likely have no clue what i’m talking about…yet. :wink:

Thanks again Edward.

The knob isn’t really used it touch except for changing numbers though, and marlin only changes the LCD mode, so yeah. But try REVERSE_MENU_DIRECTION in configuration.h

Ah ha.

Good find. There is so much code in Marlin it’s a bit ridiculous. :smiley:

It got dirty! :skull: