Carve pockets not working

When I try to set up a carve on a wide area, how do I tell Estlcam that I want it to cut out the pocket and not just the perimeter?

I’ve watched the video and it just seems to happen automatically, so I guess I’ve missed something in my tool or tool path settings.

This is running under PlayOnLinux, if that makes a difference…

I think you have to change the max carve witdth to something bigger so that they overlap

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Try to adjust the Maximum Carve Width, Bringing the value up will carve more… in the picture I got it up. to 40mm
Hope this help!

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LOL you bit me to it!!

Isn’t that only going to work if I actually had a 40mm wide V bit?
What can I do to cut a flat(ish) bottomed pocket that’s wider than the bit?
I’m after something like the flames at the end of that video, or this thread: Carve Machining Order Frustrations

It looks like I should be able to get it to switch to another tool and mill the middle of the pocket with a flat bottom, or mill it with small ridges with the V bit.

Use the carve pocketing tool option with and use a flat bottom end mill

Someone commented on the video and asked the same question. From my interpretation of his own reply to his question you need to set a max carve width bigger than the bit and possibly a max depth.

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Ah ha, that’s it!

It confused me that the tool path was displayed as circles, but it looks right when converted to GCode.


You still need to select both sides though. You can see the clean up pass on the inner section but not the outer.
Select both sides, up the carve width until there is overlap of both paths. The advanced method is a tool change, it will use a flat endmill and then carve the edges and corners with the vbit! I only do that on things with very large pockets because I am lazy.

I think a bit of texture to the bottom of a carved pocket can be a feature. I like the options to set an angle or choose cross-hatching in F-engrave.