CNC PCB's (learnings and stuff)

Seeing that CNC milling of PCBs is a hot topic right now, i figured i should make a post of what learning I have had from doing it, and getting workable results using an MPCNC.
This post is as much documentation for me for next time I have to do this, as it is for everyone else.

Firstly the results (ignore my horrible soldering job please)

Learnings section.

  1. level is king
    I was using 0.2mm 30deg V bits to do the isolation milling. These are really sensitive to not being absolutely flat, because the cut depth (and hence width) rapidly changes with even small variations in Z.
    I used bCNC’s autolevel function and a probe to to convert the gcode on the fly, but there is other ways of doing it. (milling pockets in the spoil board for example)
    The main thing i like about probes is I don’t need to worry about getting the touch off exactly right, get it to within 0.5mm, and let the probe do the rest.
    I found even on my “flat” spoil board, that there was often a difference of 0.2-0.4mm over a 100mm PCB, that is more then enough to throw things out when your depth of cut is 0.18mm

  2. Flatcam is amazing, but check the tool paths before you run it
    I used Flatcam to do the tool paths, mostly because ESTLCAM (my normal) does not support gerber files. However, flatcam has an interesting thing with its geormetry.
    if you have the tracks closer together then the bit diameter, flatcam won’t cut the gap, because it would rather the bits be the SIZE you specified, rather then isolate them.
    you can see in the test cut below (bottom PCB), where some of the pads are not isolated from the track next to them.

  1. Fast and shallow cuts
    When doing the isolation cuts, normal rules for V bits apply, they like being run fast and shallow.
    I did mine at about 500mm per min with a 0.18mm depth of cut to get the width I wanted.
    Single flute V bits off of ebay seemed to work fine. As will all cutting prams, play with it till you find something that works for your bits, i started at 120mm / min and went up from there.

  2. Doing multiple passes is fine, wide tracks make life easy
    I found that having the tracks wide apart makes soldering MUCH easier, yes having close tracks and tiny cuts between them looks cool, but if you don’t solder mask them, soldering them up is a MASSIVE Pain in the neck.
    In the end I settled on doing 3 passes with a 20% overlap so the gaps between most of the tracks were about 1mm wide, made soldering much easier.

  3. Sand the board once its done
    I went over all my boards with 240 grit sand paper, 1, this roughens the surface slightly and seems to make the solder stick better, and 2 it gets rid of all the burrs that are left.
    Drills often leave burrs as well and burrs cause shorts

  4. use drill bits to do the drills in a separate CNC job
    get yourself a set of tiny (like 0.5 - 3mm set) of drill bits that will fit the collet setup you have and use them to do a drill job. its WAY easier then drilling by hand and way more accurate.
    You can’t easily use your V bits for drilling, the results suck.

  5. for cut outs, i used a single flute upcut bit, it seemed to work fine so I did not try anything else.

  6. This meant 3 tool changes per board, but it was still faster then doing things manually.

  7. for double sided boards, flatcam supports doing the mirroring operation and putting peg holes in to line it up again see here for details (4.3. 2-side PCB — FlatCAM 8 documentation)

  8. Make your your MPCNC is as square as you can get it.
    This is not so much of an issue with cutting the isolation cause if that is out of square it will still work.
    It becomes a huge problem with drilling though, because if your machine is out of square then the drill holes are out of square, and the component you want to stick in said holes won’t fit cause the holes don’t quite line up.

Anyway, thats it for now, hopefully this helps someone.


Thanks for the walkthrough on this. I’ve been wanting to start making my own PCBs. What program are you using to design your PCB?

That is all good info posted above, thank you for summarizing that for the community.

I have had good luck using these types of engravers. The tool life isnt amazing because they are so small, but they are a little less level dependent in terms of making isolation cuts too wide, and obviously they result in SUPER thin cuts allowing traces to be crammed in tighter.

These also tend to result in fewer burrs than the composite type “rasp” end mills I first used. I have NOT tried a traditional spiral mill on PCBs yet.

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im using eagle for the schematics and board layouts.
Its a bit of a learning curve but very very powerful once you get to know it

I found that the tool life was not great on the 0.1mm engravers, cause the tips wear out really fast. (i found 2 boards or so and the tip was shot.

i have been using 0.2mm 30deg ones and found the life was ok, (think 6-8 hours of machine time)
given how cheap they are (like 75c AUS each) , i can’t complain.

I found that the super thin cuts from a 0.1mm while useful for packing stuff made soldering really painful, so i started running wider cuts.
If you solder mask though it would fix that problem and the packing advantages become handy

Guess it then becomes packing vs tool life
always tradeoffs to everything.

I used easyeda last time I designed a board. It was pretty nice. It tries to make you buy the pcbs from jlcpcb, but you can download the gerber files.

I agreed on the solder difficulty UNTIL I invested in liquid flux. I always use flux core, but even still I have found the liquid flux to be invaluable.

Getting the solder to flow really well was a key for me in avoiding solder bridges on the tightly packed traces.

One day I may ask to pick your brain (and Jeff’s) on Gerber files and such. I have been doing my boards in Fusion and SOLIDWORKS by physically modelling the traces. It’s super time consuming and I KNOW there is a better way, but I’ve been too stubborn to learn it!

In kicad, eagle, easyeda, etc. You start with the schematic. Each part you put in the schematic hopefully it’s already designed and it knows how the pads are shaped, and how that corresponds to the schematic.

You connect everything in the schematic and then switch over to the board layout view. There, you can move the parts around and it gives you a lot of help to make sure you are connecting it according to your schematic.

There are auto trace buttons that should make the traces automatically, but they don’t always work. They are usually a good start. They also usually make a lot of vias, which are harder to do on a DIY PCB (but trivial for a fab).

You add mounting screws and then fill the empty space with ground plane (and it knows which traces are ground.

It really helps with anything remotely complicated. The tools are very good. If you’re wondering, you should check out a few YT videos on it. I know easyeda/jlcpcb have sponsored a lot of videos. And sparkfun had some tutorials on eagle, IIRC.

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