CncContol plugin to Repetier-Host


does anyone uses the CncConrol plugin to Repetier-Host?

I haven’t finished building my MPCNC yet, but just thought this might be a good add on to Repetier-Host for CNC control.

CncControl plugin

Once I’m finished with my build I’ll give it a try…


Hi Juergen,

We just tried it for a minute at our makerspace Wed night and had a couple issues with it we are trying to sort out now. I started a new thread about it b4 I saw this one, sorry. But I will give a full report of our journey with it here on this forum, so keep an eye on my post for updates!

I am used to using Mach3 control software, so I may be a little spoiled on what I want a control program to do.

Hi Ed,

I had also a thought about Mach3, but it is not very cheap… But if it will worth the money, maybe it could be a good alternative to RepetierHost…

Thanks I’ll keep an eye on the other thread…


I took look at that the other day when you posted it. It looks just like the manual control panel of repetier, is there some extra features I’m missing?