Cutting vinyl: estlcam ignores stroke thickness?

Hi all,

I’ve got a few svg I want to cut, but estlcam imports the paths as 0 thickness. This means I would need to alter the svg to offset existing lines to have a sticker and not some scratches on the sheet. I’m no inkscape expert, but there doesn’t seem to be an easy way to offset the lines. I’ve done it with text and the paintbucket, but it doesn’t seem to work on paths.


Anyone have a good workflow for things like this?





My example attached. If the thickness were shown in estlcam, I’d have an outside and inside line to cut in the vinyl and have a sticker. Without, I need to do a lot more work.

Here is my example. One is how the SVG is visualized in inkscape and other apps that respect stroke width. Second is estlcam. I’d need to double the paths in inkscape to be able to cut this as a sticker in estlcam.

convert the strokes to a path then weld them.

estlcam is behaving as expected here in my opinion.


That worked perfectly, thanks so much!

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No cad software I know of is going to recognize strokes, so it’s not specific to ESTLcam.

That’s a fundamental feature of vector design programs that through folks off all the time. In the laser forums people learn that all the time that the design program stroke with gets saved as a single path with no width, even though you define it fat.

Changing that stroke into two paths is the solution. It’s how I adjust for kerf with the laser when I am doing inlays.

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I’ve recently started using LightBurn because of this very issue. Instead of having to create separate paths, the software has a built-in function for adding an offset to the existing path (either outside or inside).

That feature alone has made it worth the $30.

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