Dave’s LowRider 2 Build

As requested

You can’t get it any lower than that?

Let me see wHat I can do. I have to remove the spoilboard first.

Hmmm. You don’t want that space wasted. The higher the Z, the less tight it will be and the harder to square. Can you make the spool board large enough to go all the way under the wheels? Or else, lower the spoil board?

All the way down.

All bad. Loosen the corners and make sure it can go all the way down very easily. Most of ours can fall on there own.

I can certainly give it a shot. I put the spoil board on top a piece of MDF. I can try 2 ways, one with no spoil bore (save the table top) and one with the spoil board directly on top the table.

Which corners are you referring to? The ones holding the Z rails?

What ever it takes to figure out why it is not sitting flat on the rollers.

Okay. I’ll work on that and see what I can come up with.

I ran into a few more stumbling blocks on this one so I decided it best to disassemble it from the table and put it on hold until I complete another project.

I do have a couple theories as to what is causing my problems either (A) my x axis pipes are too long (by the nature of how I ordered them) and that is causing me to not be able to get the Y plates square to the table, or (B) the use of the spider couplers over the flexible ones is causing some misalignment of the Z, or © my table top is not quite square.

If anyone in the PA area has built a low rider and can offer some in-person assistance that would be wonderful.

I wish there was more of this going on. I think just seeing pics in thw forums is great, but being able to see first hand what other people are doing wouod be awesome.

I travel to Pittsburgh sometimes for work, but I just made a trip, so it might be a few months.


Thanks! I appreciate the sentiment. I am in Eastern PA, BTW. So if you ever find yourself near Philly give me a shout! It may just be a couple months before I get back to my LowRider (but i do plan on getting back to it). It is a goal of mine to learn CNC.