Error:Heating failed, system stopped! Heater_ID: 0

This is my first attempt at setting up the extruder on my MPCNC.
I bought all stuff from here and follow the best I can the instructions provided.
I even check and adjust the VREF voltage. The only thing I did not do was to flash the firmware since it was mention in the doc that it was already modify to use an extruder.

The first attempt seems to go pretty well as I saw the extruder temperature raising up to 205 and stabilize around there.
The MPCNC the start to move around and it seems to do it according to the shape of the test IE part.
The only problem, there was no filament extruded. I notice that I did not push the filament far enough in the extruder.
So I cancel the print job and push down the spring thing on the extruder and the filament went much deeper. I tough I was in business then.
But When I restart the job, I saw the status at the top of the manual control screen saying “Heating Extuder” and after a couple of seconds a message appear in the log
15:24:19.100 : Error:Heating failed, system stopped! Heater_ID: 0
15:24:19.100 : Error:Printer halted. kill() called!

Same thing on the LCD panel with another message saying “Please reset”

I reset everything, unplug and reboot the RAMPS, restart Repetier, even reboot my laptop.
I suspect my wiring is good since it worked the first time but I’m keep getting that Heating Failed error.

Anybody have an idea why?

Heating_failed_log.txt (651 Bytes)

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Make sure your thermistor is still connected and secure in the hole.

When does that error happen? Can you manually turn on the heater and it will get up to temp? I am not sure what is in that code but I think it might have a heated bed in it as well, I don’t remeber that could be the problem. If you can heat it manually it is just a gcode issue.

I get the same error when I turn on the heather manually. Actually, when I turn it on, I put my fingers on the nozzle and the bloc around it and expect heat to start rising but nothing. The thing stay cold. I also put a multimeter on the D10 connector where the heater is connected and when I turn on the heather, the voltage goes to 12v until I get the error then it goes down to zero. Seems like the heater is defective. That’s odd and I am wondering what did I do wrong?

There are a few ways to test this.

First, with it connected to repetier, hook the heater wires to the 12v directly and make sure it does get warm and the thermistor works.

Second try the turning it on with the heater unplugged and make sure the led for D10 comes on.

Third we can do a little firmware swap and reconfigure the ports if needed.

Well the first test did not work. Connected directly to the 12v it doesn’t heat up

Second the LED does goes on when I start the heater manually from Repetier.
So I don’t think we need to reconfigure the ports. The heater seems to be defective.

Question: is the connection of the heater is polatity sensitive? If yes how can I know which one is positive and which is negative since both wires coming from the heater are both red, no difference.

If I need to get a new heather, do you have a link where I can buy the same one?

I am still puzzle with what I did wrong.

Not polarity sensitive.

Check for any obvious breaks in the wire. If you extended the wire did you use appropriate thickness?

The other thing to check is if the wires are touching each other right out of the heater block. Sometimes they bend and touch.

Did you buy it from me?

Yes I did buy it from you. No wire extension. It came already insert in the block and all wrap-up. Actually the whole extruder comes in one piece all assemble.

It was part of the order #1502

Right at the heater block, where the heater core is inserted there are 2 wires coming out. It gets bent over before I zip tie them. Can you double check that they are not touching and still connected. or even possibly check for continuity of each wire. I don’t have any spares (never hada bad one) but I can ship one from amazon. But if it is just touching it is much easier to fix it then replace it.

Hi Ryan,

GOOD NEWS!!! I dismantle the zipline and put the 2 wires of the heater apart and when I connected it to the 12v, it start to heat!
I put the whole thing back together and it is now printing the test IE part! My first one!
Although I also discovered that my stepper on the extruder was pluged backward (my mistake) everything looks fine now!

I have a couple of prints to do because some of the parts on my MPCNC start to crack ( I may have tighten them a bit too much) but the beauty of it is that I don’t have to buy it again, I can print them and repair my machine.

Very clever design.

Thanks a lot for your fast support, it is very much appreciated and constitute a big asset to the success of this project.


win win

Hi Ryan

I have the same problem with my extruder, I purchased the mpcnc bundle+extruder from your site received it 1-2 weeks back. I used my Monoprice mini to print all plastic parts, and have completed the build. I have already tested with the pen and it runs fine.
Today while attempting to add the extruder I am getting the same error as the one from the original post “Error:Heating failed, system stopped! Heater_ID: 0”
I checked if the extruder stepper is working (extrude/retract) that seems to be working. I use CURA for slicing (but have altered the Start the end g-code as per info on your site). I am on MAC and use Repetier Host to connect and control the CNC.

Couple of points -

  1. I have not attached the fan/s as the wires to the Fans which i received a too short to reach my board and I don’t have any spare wires at the moment. Is that ok?
  2. I have not used jumpers for the 11A power as you suggested, but have connected the 2 extra wires which came attached to the power supply ( I bought 30A one from your site) . Is that ok ?


Did you flash the firmware to enable the extruder? The firmware it comes with has a dummy value of 170 for the thermistor, hopefully you didn’t overheat your extruder and melt your teflon.


No I did’nt flash firmware, as just followed the steps which were mentioned in the information section.

Extruder never started heating BTW, as when I try to execute the print it gives me this error in less than a minute, So hope no damage.

I will try to update the firmware now.



I am just confused with one thing though, My order was shipped on 17th May [ORDER #1901], and I did not receive the brass nut.(–>5/17/17 - Updated to T8 Lead Screw, brass nut, and metal coupler).

So what did I receive T8 Lead Screw or 5/16″ Allthread versions ?

Which FW to use - I am assuming - MPCNC511_GLCD_EB_T8 -32nd stepping, 16T pulleys, T8 Leadscrew, Full Graphic LCD, Extruder and heated Bed enabled.?
Even though I don’t have/plan to use heated bed, is that Correct ?

Can you send a picture, the kit was updated 2 different times right around then.

PS: Hope you will be able to make out from this pic :slight_smile:

You have a 5/16"

Thanks, I will try that FW

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Got it running!!

Thanks a Ton
My first quick test print,.

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