Feature Rich Control Software?

I have the SKR PRO V1.2, and would like to stick with Marlin for community support.
Is there a feature rich program geared more towards CNC milling?
Repetier-Host appear like it will do what’s required, but I am hoping for something closer to bCNC and Mach while sticking with Marlin.

Maybe I need to consider using GRBL instead?

What features are you looking for?

There is a port for RepRap Firmware for the SKR Pro. I’m planning to test it, but for printer control.

I am using RepRap Firmware for both my Primo and LR3. I like the web interface, which allows me to upload cut files over WiFi, and manage all of the control via a browser. I do have LCD control as well, which is nice.

RRF supports CNC coordinate systems, so multiple work sets can be used to cut the same file in several different places in a batch. It also means that you can use soft stops to prevent the machine from trying to move outside of its actual physical limits. This can be pretty handy with those batch setups.

Even with Marlin, the SKR can have a good WiFi interface though via the ESP01S modules.

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I am putting the cart before the horse as I don’t have my machine completed yet. However, the main thing I am looking for is work offset interfaces.

I would like to be able to do things like probe the center of holes or probe edges of a workpiece and apply skew correction.

But I am not aware of a solution unless you go to LinuxCNC, which is a departure from the Marlin/Grbl/Klipper style of things.

I think a framework for OctoPrint to host python routines would be cool, but does not yet exist.

I have not tried it but about CNCjs macros?

Hole center
3D axis probe

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Is the CNC.js marlin branch a decent option?

Branch? It is in the main release. In my experience, it works. Some of the features are dependent on changes in the marlin configuration, which we haven’t enabled in our builds.


I believe Marlin Does support this, but most people don’t use it here.

I am using work coordinate systems. Misnamed in my above post, but Im using them via RepRap Firmware on my Duet2 Wifi boards. As a part of the main comfig I put the board into work 0 coordinates, and I have macros to go to different work coordinate systems, which can all have a different zero point, and I can use soft stops so that the machine will stay within its physical limits.