G34 to level Z on LR2?

The biggest issue I have with my LR2 build is leveling the Z axis. Takes way longer than it should (I am OCD so it has to be just right) and I have to realign anytime I shut off the machine. I have cut successfully with the machine but I want to make setup easier. I have installed endstop switches and will hopefully have them working soon but I am curious about something.
There is a section in Marlin for aligning multiple Z steppers using a probe. If I understand the programming correctly, it basically tells the machine to go to multiple, pre-defined positions and use a Z probe to level out the steppers. Sounds simple enough if you have X and Y home positions set. Has anyone tried this and got it working? Is it worth trying? Should I not bother and just go forward with endstop switches?
I am running SKR 1.3, 2209 running V1CNC_Skr1p3_DualLR_2209- firmware. (Originally wanted to use sensorless homing but that was definitely more trouble than it was worth.)

Here is the top of the section in Marlin

// @section extras


  • Z Steppers Auto-Alignment

  • Add the G34 command to align multiple Z steppers using a bed probe.




// Define probe X and Y positions for Z1, Z2 [, Z3 [, Z4]]

// If not defined, probe limits will be used.

// Override with ā€˜M422 S X Yā€™

//#define Z_STEPPER_ALIGN_XY { { 10, 190 }, { 100, 10 }, { 190, 190 } }

There are several lines below that but I just want to know if anyone has made it work.


Iā€™m using this feature on my 3D printer. It works but can take a couple of iteration to restore Z level. I havenā€™t done a lot of tuning of the options.

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You donā€™t need it. The Dual LR has indepentent Z axis motors for the Z and uses individual endstops at Zmax. You just home G28 Z and it will move each motor up until it bumps each endstop. You can either adjust the endstops so they are square, or get them close and fine tune with M666. It is doing basically the same thing (but in machine space instead of work space).

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Thanks guys. I guess I was just wondering if it might work in lieu of endstops. You know, in case one hadnā€™t installed their endstops yet and were maybe just lazy. :wink:

Well the DualLR setup does have a ā€œz probeā€ set up on the zmin pin. So I expect it should be pretty easy. Why not try it and find out? AFAIK, no one has tried it on a low rider.

Adding these endstops should be relatively easy. There is a 3D model for an endstop on a clamp for the tube. You can clamp one underneath the whole thing and it will be triggered when the thing raises up. Then you just connect NC and C to S and (-) on zmax and xmax and G28 Z will auto square for you. The nice benefit (other than the fact there are more people here to help with that) is that the XY doesnā€™t have to move to do that probing.

Fiddling with it now. Iā€™ll let you know what I find!

Well, so far, not having any luck. The machine recognizes my touch plate probe while doing a G38.2 function but not with the G34. It will start the G34 process (Home X, then Home Y, then move to the first probe location). Then the Z starts moving down but doesnā€™t stop when the probe makes contact. Fixed Probe is defined, Z_MIN_PROBE_PIN is set to Z_MIN_PIN. Iā€™m not very skilled at digging into anything deeper than Config.h and Config_adv.h. but Iā€™m betting what I need to fix is buried in some other .cpp or .h. Iā€™ll keep fiddling thoughā€¦

Does M119 recognize the probe making contact?

Yes. And Probing function (G38.2) works perfectly.