G38.2 double tap with Dual endstops and SKR 1.2

I just switched my lowrider to dual endstops and updated the firmware. Everything is working good but now I have to adjust the code on some custom buttons I had set up. Before switching to dual endstops I just used G28 for my touch pad to probe down. This did a double tap in the touch pad.

Now with dual endstops G28 Z homes the z up and double taps. Perfect.

I realized I had to start using G38.2 for the touch pad now but it does not double tap. Does the double tap even matter with the touch pad? Is it supposed to only come down and then stop on contact?

You could try doing that manually, but we are kind of abusing the probe logic for our goofy setup. The double tap is really for homing. I am not sure it is needed for either case, really.

Thanks @jeffeb3 , I think it’s beneficial for homing. Especially in the z if it starts out way out of wack. I will do some test runs with the z probe to see if it stays consistent. After playing around with it last night I don’t really see why a single touch should cause any issues as long as I’m traveling nice and slow. Good to know it’s doing what it should be :slight_smile:

I think that you can control the speed of the probe, so if you’re moving slowly enough you shouldn’t need the double tap. I’m using the macro in cncjs that does the probe, resets Z, then moves to “safe height.” You fill in several parameters (how far to probe, speed, safe height) before triggering the macro.

My take on the double tap is that it became standard usage for homing because the machine can come at the end stop pretty fast at first (in case it is traversing the whole work area) then the slow for a more carefully controlled second trigger.

Makes sense, yeah I’m using cncjs as well and might just put a feed rate on the 38.2 and call it good. Just wasn’t sure if it was supposed to double tap but sounds like it’s not and everything is working good