Help with GRBL on a RAMPS 1.6 board - DOA

Which motherboard did you define/is defined in marlin (around line 133 in configuration.h)

kees is right, in the version that I recommended downloading, axis and homing are not well configured, I will modify these files in GitHub to solve this problem. I will also upload my configuration file so that we can discard this.

This is a step we don’t do in Marlin, don’t forget this.


But I have good news. I uploaded the firmware from my WIN10 miniPC instead of Linux (for other reasons) and it now works! No idea why, as far as i know, it is the same firmware. Maybe Linux EEPROM clear didn’t work, a library issue or something?? At this point I’m not looking back. And I love Universal Gcode Sender!!

Now I need to figure out my 6 limit switches and homing. i want home to be left bottom.
For X and Y axis I have 2 switches each for auto squaring.
For Z I have my touchplate as the Min and another limit switch as my Z max.
Question should $23 and $3 (axis and homing) be the same value?

Did you compile it with the arduino IDE? Did you run the clear-EEPROM script? If so, perhaps try to install Atom or Visual Studio Code and PlatformIO…

Hi, im glad it works great!! About $3 and $23 sometimes they don´t have the same value, it depends where your want to do homing or where you want to set your axis direction.

Now I´ve uploaded my grbl config to my github to help you, you can find it in doc folder:

To import my settings with UGS, go to machine - Firmware settings - Import.
You have to change $130,$131,$132,$133,$134 with your axis length. Remember to put the same value in X1-X2 and Y1-Y2.

thanks so much

my favorite feature so far!

Yes Arduino IDE. I’ve been working with Arduino IDE for many years, first time I’ve had something like that. Like I said, no looking back for now.

thanks to all your help, I have everything working great except homing.
here is what happens:

  1. when I press home it only probes down 5mm at a time instead of traveling until it touches
  2. when it hits my touch plate it behaves like the offset is going the wrong way (inverted). So it pushes down after contact then stays down as it goes on to home X then Y.
    How can it home seek in the -Z direction AND offset in the -Z ???
    hopefully I explained it well

I decided to switch to NO end stops and all
my problems went away.

Congratulations! Enjoy Grbl !!