How to change build size settings in Rambo?

Not even sure if I’m asking the correct question, but my build size is 30" X 30" I find if my spindle is past the 15" mark it errors out when I tell it to home x and y, and asks for a reset, is there a way I can change the build size in the firmware so it knows that it might have a long travel distance and not to error?

Second question:
Once I set the Z zero, can I jog it up 10mm and then home x and y and then run the program? Will it still remember that Z is 10 mm up if I don’t reset all zeros? Or would my x and y be negative at that point?

Thanks in advance!!

I think there may be a gcode way to set the bed size in the EEPROM, and @jeffeb3 will be along shortly to explain. Otherwise, you have to set it in Configuration.h and rebuild/reflash the firmware. Not rocket surgery, but not exactly just pushing a button.

Yes, Yes, and Trick Question.

Yes, that’s actually a pretty good SOP for starting a job.

Yes, it will remember the values of any axis you don’t specifically zero out (or set to a specific value)

Trick Question, as X and Y are unaffected by Z. :smiley:

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Cool, I know z is unaffected by x and y, I was more worried that I can’t reset all to zero if the z is +10 and that when I tell it to home x and y it doesn’t reset them automatically to zero once that’s completed

So the error your receiving is a time out or move distance error most likely, that is a safety feature built into the firmware to prevent machine damage. The time/distance should be configurable but i dont know how.
Z height can be any distance and you can zero x and y with individual commands in the command line. If you hit the home all axis button, all axis will attemp to go to zero.


thank you!!

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