How to connect touchscreen display to Rambo 1.4?

Hey guy’s,

I’ve a makerbase tft28 v4 touchscreen with an 8 pin connector.
Using the Rambo 1.4 all the documentation points to the two 10 pin connections near the power input on the board but the 8 pin obviously doesn’t work there. Does it go to the 8 pin analog x40 pins beside the 10 pins or what do I do?

Pretty sure that board doesn’t work with a rambo.

AHH feck…

Does it have a pinout? Many of those tft screens act like octoprint and just chat over uart.

Here it is

It looks like one row of that mainboard interface has tx, rx, gnd, 5V. So that probably just needs to connect to rx, tx, gnd 5V on the rambo.

There is a serial expansion port. Note that the power here is Vcc, not 5V. You should be able to connect tx from the screen to rx1 and rx from the screen to tx1.

This shows where that serial expansion is. Right next to the endstops. The endstops (+) is 5V. The (-) is ground. I’m not sure which way the serial extension is laid out, so you should use a multimeter and find the vcc ground pins first.

If this doesn’t sound like something you can do, don’t worry about it, the lcd that we usually use plugs right in and is cheap.