Huge size MPCNC - what else do I need?


I need a huge build - lets say 2mx2m. If I understand right, I need to support the pipes so they keep straight. Are these parts available as stl? Has anyone gone as far and done this before?? Speed isnt so much of an issue to me, but the ability to have a cnc , laser and 3dprinter in one machine is simply brilliant.
If you think this is generally possible without huge issues, I would start building a 2,2m x 2,2m flat table in my attic firstly…

If i was building something this big, id probably scale everything up. Id scale the corners etc for sure and go with bigger conduit so you can support the longer run.
Of course that issues in new problems of the middle z.
scaling the outside pieces is easy. just scale correctly and build it. (and bigger bearings)
the middle z is a work of art and would not be super fun to scale, although theortically still possible

Scaling will not work.

Yes the supports are available on thingiverse. I did not make them but really it doesn’t take much anything you can get in between the roller bearings would be fine. Every midspan support increases rigidity 4x’s (if I remember that class right).

Unless you have a specific need for a machine that big I would start much smaller. Building it huge to to build it huge isn’t a good idea. Something that large has it’s own set of issues that you might not want to tackle from the beginning. It will make everything much harder. Getting a first layer to print on something that large would be pretty difficult not to mention some insanely long print times. Lots of reason large machines are not commercially available for the hobby market.

If you could get one of the dimensions smaller than it gets much easier. a giant square isn’t the most rigid configuration, but a narrow rectangle would work much much better.