I need help configuring the Z probe

I have a problem configuring the Z probe on MPCNC. I am using version “V1CNC_Ramps_Dual / 510” and my controller is a “Geeetech GT2560 rev a” of an old 3D printer.
It’s all working with engine movement and M119 Status.

  • Z_MIN_PROBE_PIN 30 the same pin as Z_MIN_PIN 30
    When I send the M119 command with the probe open, the response is:
    Reporting endstop status
    x_min: open
    y_min: open
    z_probe: open

When I close the probe contact the M119 response is:
Reporting endstop status
x_min: open
y_min: open
z_probe: TRIGGERED
When I send the Probe command:
“M0 Connect Probe\nG90\nG21\nG92 Z0\nG38.2 Z-20 F60\nG92 Z 19.5\nG0 Z10\nG90”
Z does not stop when probe contact is closed.
Any idea what’s going on?

On the MPCNC, we usually just use zmin endstop and then use G28 Z to probe Z. We use G38 for the low rider, because it has Z home dir set to +1.

That said, I have no idea what’s going on. That looks totally fine. If M119 says it is triggered, then there isn’t much else that could go wrong.

I’m with Jeff. Everything looks like it should. I’m not familiar with the board, but I looked it up, and I think you’ve done what you’re supposed to.

What happens if you run G38.2 Z -20 in isolation, without the other commands?

What happens if you change the Z probe distance to 1?

Have you tried assigning the probe to a different pin, like Zmax 32?

Are you running this from the menu, an sd card, or a terminal?

I suppose its possible that something in marlin broke again, but i haven’t messed with Marlin for cnc in a really long time.