I need some suggestions here, impersonation?

No problem! Mine is linked in the footer of every page as well, but at the top of each project is a great idea…


However, I have an issue. Not all of the pictures are from me. Attributes are given to V1, but not others. Not sure what their license is. I need to do my own research and possibly my own pictures and replace them.

Hopefully this will help others as well in what is kosher and what is not.

Gotcha, don’t talk bad about the loony dude at 1400. Got it. :lol: :roll:

OLX shows that Maria had read my message and now the olx advertisement hasn’t photos at all and hasn’t link to instagram.
Of course this doesn’t mean that they stop selling mpcnc - rest of the text still here. And now it’s just difficult to complain to support.
Instagram account also haven’t been changed yet.

Awesome, thank you. It is a step in the right direction. I will file another complaint worded differently and not use the pictures as my proof.

so in contrast to me you didn’t forget to make screenshooths of the original advertisement )
it’s good