Inkscape to Estlcam inaccuracies

I’m trying the Inkscape to Estlcam to Repartier workflow. I’m new to Inkscape and Estlcam and in trying some experiments got unexpected results.

One example: I use a feature in Inkscape to modify a primitive (like to change a rectangle to a rounded rectangle) and when I open the svg in Estlcam it displays the primitive shape (a square cornered rectangle).

I’ve had multiple cases like this tonight where what I draw in Inkscape and what displays in Estlcam don’t match.

Is this the result of a setting or one of a set of bugs / interactions between the two packages that are already documented somewhere?

I’m sure I could work around it by drawing 4 line segments and 4 arcs. The reason for the question is whether I need to always be looking for this kind of issue and expect needing to rework geometry or if there are some Inkscape features I should avoid using because they have known issues when Estlcam is the next step.


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I’m not an expert at this, but I think you want to convert everything to paths. There is an “object to path” function in inkscape. Otherwise, estlcam sees “Rectangle with radius X” and thinks, “cool, I can make a rectangle!”


“Not expert” you were right!

I selected each rounded rectangle and chose object to path and saved the file. When I opened it in Estlcam I got the expected result.

I just need to remember now that Inkscape’s fancy edit features sometimes create objects that are calculated before display but are not in a representation understood by other software reading the svg.

I remember we used to have to do this with Adobe Illustrator to avoid problems with files sent to a print vendor. The files where everything was paths came back the way you wanted but components like text couldn’t be edited after you converted them to outlines (i.e. paths in Inkscape terminology.). One reason this was done is sometimes you had licenses for fonts your vendor didn’t have.

You had to keep two versions of the file… the editable one and the “print” one. I can replicate that workflow.


Exactly how I do it. I save a “Native” SVG before converting everything (especially text) to paths.