Is EstlCam capable of doing a wood relief?

Hello, just wondering if EstlCam is capable of doing a 3D wood relief? If so, is there any info I can find on how to set this up?

If EstlCam is not capable of it, is there any reasonably priced/or free software that can do this?

Have a look through the gallery, each has a link.

Most of that was Estlcam by importing an STL, If you have some questions after that drop them here and we can get you going.

I took a look at the gallery and I have done a test of an Stl relief with EstlCam. But from my knowledge and what I have read, EstlCam can only do that with an STL.

You can’t bring in a design, photo or image and have it create the tool path for a relief. Creo is not able to create an Stl file from an image either.

I read on the majoras mask thread that a guy used Vectric Aspire. But that’s $2000 of software.

With google I have found Cut3D and Photocarve from Vectric for $400 bundled. Art clip 3D is about $200. But I was wondering if anyone has used these or know of a better software for the money? Not looking to spend such a large amount like $700 or even $2k.

Pretty sure estlcam has a few photo tools, but you can use things to convert images to stl, like is done with lithopanes. A photo is a flat object though and it will always take work to get it right in 3D. I can say a CAM program is probably not going to be the tool for the conversation, once it is converted any CAM should handle it.

All in one software is typically not the best idea. Something that does one thing really well in my opinion is the better way to go. Art programs for art, CAM for making the tool do what it needs too, CAD for dimensional objects.

Do you have any advice on a specific software to create the relief file?

The Stl files im finding on thingiverse are a great test though. Here’s one of the 48 states.


This is where I got my dragon relief stl that I carved into the kitchen cabinet door. Link goes to the free stuff, but they also have a ton of paid models.

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