Issue with Helix

Can anyone tell me why my helix’s start above my material ?

Or can you explain to me how to set the height ? Or am I way off here?

5th tab on the toolpath options, linking. Scroll to the bottom under ‘ramp’. That’s the ramp clearance height. I generally go to 0.01 inch.
For wood, you can change the angle, too. I use from 5 to 10 depending on how hard the wood is, but that might still be conservative. I know it speeds up enough that I don’t worry about it, so…

Perfect. Thanks, Tony!

I don’t know a bunch, so I help where I can.

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Have two more questions for you if you dont mind.

I have a project to where I have done a rough pass 2D pocket.
Now during the finish pass, there was some areas where my bit just wont fit. No biggy, right. So i change to a smaller bit, and now the issues,

my second pass to going back over the first pass. Which is just a waste of time. The second issue, is (see photo) you can see that the pocket isn’t hitting all sides. How do I fix that?

2d tools are kinda weird. In the second tab, you’ll find rest machining. You have to enable it and tell fusion how big the other tool was. DEFINITELY make sure the diameters of your tool are accurate (as in ‘measure them’) and use the simulator.
For the second issue, it’s possible that fusion still thinks your mill is too big. That’s my guess based on how the toolpaths come to a point, then turn around.

Second tab ?

Odd, it seems as though the entire outline is 0.2" Which is the same for the entire outline. Not sure why fusion would believe its a different size… Maybe it has somethng to do with the arc ?

Second tab on the toolpath, where you select geometry.

Yeah got that one, now it wont give me a tool path…

You’re pocketing, which defaults to leaving some material on the sides and bottom. Subtract that (times two to account for both sides) and make sure you still have enough room for your tool. I think you’ll find that amount under the passes tab (4th) when you edit the tool path.


my Stock To Leave was set at 2.345mm for some odd reason.

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Sometimes I really hate 2d. Options that don’t make any sense can often make the difference between an empty path or not.

When that happens, I usually delete the whole toolpath and take the default options, make sure it generates. Then change the one thing I think gave me the wrong toolpath last time. If it generates, I’ll keep adding parameters one at a time until it either breaks or I get what I want.
Since 2d needs you to tell it what every boundary is, if there is a lot of geometry to select, just take the part that is giving you trouble. You can add the other geometry later.

BAM! Glad my past pain could save you some current pain!

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One last dumb question. Will the post processor (duffy) know that I need to change tools, or do I have to insert that into the code myself?

There is an option for enable tool change in the post processor menu. Make sure it’s enabled and that the xy is somewhere convenient.
DOUBLE CHECK that all your tools have different numbers. It’s under tool library. Check the file tree there to make sure you are looking at your current design, and should list only the tools you are using. Sometimes if you try a tool then delete that path, the tool will remain. You can right click and delete unused tools, but it’s not important. If any different tools have the same number, fusion will think you don’t need to change. I used to do that all the time. Now I only screw it up occasionally, lol.
If you need to fix it, just click the ‘1 2 3’ icon and it will renumber for you. The order isn’t important, as fusion will select the correct tool based on the toolpath.
Unsolicited suggestion, if I may… Save the toolpaths individually while you’re starting out. Lots of silly things can happen at run-time that would make separate paths more convenient to deal with.

hate to keep bugging you, but I don’t see an option for change tool

Nevermind, Time for a coffee

Well sadly my tool change didn’t kick in. However, IM CLOSE !

Did you check the tool numbering?

I did. The machine never stopped so I could complete the tool change.