JTech Photonics extension in Inkscape

Thank you in advance for your input, everybody. Please pardon my ignorant questions, I am learning.
MAC user. OS 10.11.6 & Inkscape .91
I am trying to create G-code file(s) using JTech Photonics extension. When I go to extensions drop down menu, then Generate Laser Gcode, J Tech Photonics Laser Tool, then there is a pop up window, towards the bottom of the window there is a field labeld “directory”. I have not found the correct way to type in the path to a directory so that I may retrieve the gcode file, review the Gcode and then have Printrun import the file. Then I may test run my CNC machine. I would like to put the newly created Gcode file(s) on the desktop. The error code I keep getting says: “Directory does not exist! Please specify existing directory at options tab!” I am guessing this is because I am not using the correct syntax. Here is an example that does NOT work (perhaps only on a windows system): C:\users\emac\desktop

You’re on a Mac, not Windows. The path would be /Users/Username/Desktop/


It worked! Thank you

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