LCD Dial moves 2 steps per click

Hello! My build is getting close! While I’m troubleshooting wiring issues in another thread, I’ve got an annoyance in the hardware I am looking to understand.

I‘Ve purchased the LCD from the V1 shop. While attempting to navigate the on screen menu, each turn of the built in dial click moves the on screen menu 2 positions. Most times when I think I am selecting movement settings, it actually lands on the Extruded temp choice. I can attempt to half turn the dial before it clicks and depress the button to attempt to get the right menu, but this inconstantly works, and is immensely frustrating.

Is this to be expected, or should I contact V1 for a replacement?

The Marlin firmware needs to be set for this encoder. What firmware are you using? There are some specific settings for the number of clicks to consider a movement.

Marlin Huh, I figured it would be set out of the box if it came from V1. Sounds like I may have some marlin tinkering to do?

I think I’ll solve for this when I tinker for my dual end stop issue from the other post. If I’m going to flash the board for the latest dual EndStop marlin build, I can tinker for the dial at this time. I think. I will be teaching myself about PlatformIO this afternoon. I’ll update with questions if I get stuck. Complete newbie on all this stuff.

That is very strange. The lcd from the shop and the rambo or skr from the shop shouldn’t need any adjusting.

Updating the RAMBo to the current 2.0.7 build did the trick. Thank you, @jeffeb3

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How strange. Glad it is up and running.