Low Rider II - Marlin Install Issues

Trying to load Marlin to Arduino (RAMPS with dual endstop configured) and compile Errors below occur … When I locate and explicitly indicate proper path for U8glib-HAL.h in the #include even more errors occur. Help…

sketch\src\HAL\AVR\u8g_com_HAL_AVR_sw_spi.cpp:65:10: fatal error: U8glib-HAL.h: No such file or directory
#include <U8glib-HAL.h>
compilation terminated.
exit status 1
Error compiling for board Arduino Mega or Mega 2560.

Are you using platformio to compile, or the Arduino IDE? I believe that the Arduino IDE still works with Linux or Mac, but not Windows due to command line length restrictions. The IDE does need the u8glib libraries for the 12864 LCD though. Platformio should download dependencies automatically.

Thank you Dan, I was using Arduino IDE with Windows and I did not realize other compilers were available. I will try with platformio tonight. I was able to use an app to upload the HEX file to the arduino late last night but I am not certain if all 5 stepper drivers are properly configured (dual end stops).

Thank you

Darrell Buck

An easy way to tell is to send M119 and look at the number of endstops. Or if it is from MarlinBuilder releases, M115 has a version string like 513D. D is dual endstops, DL is dual for low rider and S is serial.