Lowrider x vs y

So I’ve noticed in a few places that the lowrider x axis is the shorrt axis and y is the length of the table

Just wondering what the logic of this is or does it really matter.

I have my set up x being the length of the table and y the width.

Machine rigidity down to a point, if your gantry is 4’ or under in length you will probably be fine doing it that way, any longer and I would keep the gantry as the shorter axis.

Most industrial cnc axis are set up so when looking at the front of the spindle X is left and right movement.

It is arbitrary, to a point. I think Ryan was standing on a short aide when he wired the first one, so that made X and Y set that way. Then the docs and the part names followed, and the software followed that.

It is easy to change in a serial drive setup. But in a dual end stop setup, we sort of cemented that choice even more.

At this point, we will have to change all of that to flip it, and anyone who stands at the short side will think it is backwards.

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