Made a "flat pack" crate

First time cutting something out that gets assembled. Worked great for the most part, all the issues are due to errors on my part, like not setting my finish depth correctly so most of it didnt actually cut all the way through. Cut really nice at about 9mm/sec and I think I did 6mm doc, might try 7 next time and eliminate an entire set of passes. Going to buy better material for the next one but wanted to try it out before I ruined something nicer.


Looks like changing the doc to 7mm potentially saves about 45 min of time. And this was actually set up at 8mm sec not 9.

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Yeah slower and deeper is usually the best option, then do a small full depth finishing pass to really make it perfect.

I think that crate looks really good as-it-is, but depending on the feel, you might consider just using the router in your hand and giving the corners a chamfer, or maybe even a small round over where your hands frequently touch.

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Yeah I think I might take like 1/4" roundover bit and do just the top edges of the opening that works as a handle.

And forgot to mention one of the other issues was I had a first run that failed due to the bit coming loose in the collet, hence the extra set of drilled holes. Since this was a test run I wanted to see if I could still salvage the material.