Magnetic touch pad

I had ordered up the thin touchpad from the v1 store but had issues keeping it flat under the bit without getting my fingers stuck under the 611 plate. Also attaching the metal clip to the bit was a pain in the ass.

I simply took a rare earth magnet, super glued on a long fastener and installed the wire on with a ring terminal. I rotated the router on the Mount so I can access it from the side.

For the touch pad I used 1/4 aluminum so that it had enough weight to sit flat on its own without getting pushed around with the wire. Drilled a hole in the side and soldered in the wire so it’s all flush.

Super easy to connect with the magnet and toss the plate underneath. Figured I would share as someone else might find this useful.


Great idea!

I did something like that for my lowrider, except I’m a bit lazier. I just pinched the magnet with the alligator clip and fixed the wire to the aluminum touch plate with a self tapping screw. It was a bit larger because it wasn’t fun sticking my hand under that 611plate and wiggling things around.
Yours definitely looks more enjoyable to use! Nicely done.