Marlin 2 Firmware Printer Name on LCD - How to change

Hi again,

I have been flashing the firmware onto my Rambo 1.4 board making some tweaks but what I can’t see to locate is how to change the printer name on the LCD lower part were is says “Printer Name” ready. Using Marlin Auto Build.

Thanks in advance!

In configuration.h, somewhere near the top (dependent upon version you have loaded) is

// Name displayed in the LCD “Ready” message and Info menu

…change it to whatever you like inside the quotes.

I have those set to a custom name but when I flash the firmware with Marlin Auto Build it still says V1CNC 513D ready. I’m not sure where it is coming from as have done a search for that text in multiple places.

I don’t know what you mean by ‘Marlin auto build’. That line is certainly where you set the required text to be displayed on the screen, it sounds like your flash is not completing properly, did the other tweaks you made to the firmware work correctly?

It sounds like you started from the MarlinBuilder releases. If you search for 513D, it will show you where it is set. It should be:


But Mike is right. That is the place that should end up on the screen.

I have never used marlin auto builder. The firmware is compiled with platformio.

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