Mini Rambo mishap

So I had a mishap where after I finished wiring everything and powered it up, I touched the motherboard off on a piece of steel accidentally… We all know what happens when you short out a motherboard. My question is, is there any reason that my LCD screen display would have been affected? And if so, is there any way I can check to see if it is still functional?

The lcds are pretty tough, but shorting stuff is hard to protect against. Did it work right before you shocked it? There are four ways to connect it and only one is right. Secondly, can you still connect to the rambo via the computer through repetier host? The lcd won’t work is the mrambo doesn’t work. There are some fuses you can check on it.

Everything was working excellently before hand! I was able to jog in every direction with no problems, but the picked up the mother board and sat it on a piece of steel without thinking about the fact that it would just the entire board :confused: I guess is was too excited that it was working lol I didn’t however check the fuses! So I will run and check those!

So I checked the fuses and those are all fine, do I think I’m going to have to replace the board.