New Low Rider 3 Build Rambo 1.4 X2 trouble

For some reason I X2 will not move If I switch X1 and X2 it dos move so I know the motor is good… Downloaded Firmware
Not sure what I am doing wrong
I Used following Diagram for Wiring

attached some pictures

The DualLR firmware is for the LowRider, and only has 1 X axis driver. The 5 drivers for the Rambo are therefore X, Y1, Z1, Y2, and Z2.

You want the V1CNC_Rambo_Dual vewrsion, which will be set up for wiring as per your link.

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Ack. I looked at the section (MPCNC) and not the thread title. (Duh.) EDIT: Fixed the section…

So if you’re building a LowRider 3, then you have the correct firmware, but there is no X2 driver. Instead the drivers are as I labelled above.

Here’s your wiring diagram, I just relabelled the motor and endstops. (I might have mixed the Z endstops)


Thanks I will try that tomorrow so I assume I will need to use a Y connector for the X axis. Not sure how it will be able auto squar its self without independent motor control. But definatley not working the way its hooked up now :frowning:

Looks like I have my XY understanding mixed up. For some reason I was thinking X was the long side of table now its making sence


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Uh… No, there is only one X axis motor. I think you may be confusing the way that the machine is set up.

X axis is along the gantry of the LowRider machine.

Y axis is along the table, and has 2 motors, one on each side.

Z is of course vertical, and has one motor on each side to lift the gantry…


YEP I was totally mixed up I will now sleep good tonight thanks to you :slight_smile: been beating my head on this for the last 4 hours :frowning: