New to mpcnc with dual end stops new jersey

so my first two questions are. one I notice when i move (through mpcnc pi manual controls) x or y axis I can move it one way than back to where I started but it wont move pass that.

second question i installed dual end stops. Do i have to reflash firmware because i bought the whole kit from v1 with the dual end stops? when i was printing the crown the head kept going right into the endstop didnt stop. also installed endstops oppisit from everone else on accident. notice half way through and figured it wouldn’t matter. does it matter.
third the build size is there a way to put the build size in the board so it wont keep going into the rails. did see anywhere where that info was.

I don’t understand what you are referring to as your first question. I video would be helpful if possible.

2). If you bought the dual end stop kit from v1 it should come setup for endstops. Can you post a photo of your board wiring? Maybe that will help understand and fix the problem.

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Dual endstop can’t move past zero, so you have to home first, then set a new offset. You just have to be careful with your cam to keep it from moving too far, you can put in a bed size, but when you move your zero for your project, it’s not going to be right anymore.

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Endstops are ignored, except when homing.

However, the “softstops” keep it from going negative. That should protect your endstops. But that only works if you home first.

Before you home, you should check that the endstops are wired correctly with M119.


It isn’t documented on V1 anywhere. You would have to set the bed size and then enable the max softstops in the firmware, and reflash the board.

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Except when homing. Unless something has changed recently.

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Yep. Cerebral flatulance.

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Thinking faster than your fingers can type.

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Endstops are ignored except when homing, except when soft stops are enabled, in which case they are ignored except when milling, except when homing.


ok Ben, ok Barry, ok Jeffeb3, ok Jamie. Got it first through i’m going to switch the end stops to the other side, then im going to find out how to home this thing through mpcnc pi and the other software cnj i think that i have no idea as to yet to use but it will. thanks for your help. I’ll have more questions in future I think. might build low rider and a better 3d printer than the one. first need to get good at this. ty all

Just remember when homing, don’t home all! It will do x then y, then try to home z, which is usually the touch plate since there isn’t an endstop for z. It will shove whatever endmill you have through your wasteboard, and keep going until you kill it. I’ve pushed my mpcnc out of the feet this way. Accidently hit the home all button in repetier while my back was to the machine, couldn’t hear it over the music in the shop.


Yes, and test with M119 before trying any homing. It saves a lot of headaches.

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You mean you don’t like that jarring sound of the motors crashing into the endstops, causing the earth to shake?