Please, look at this before you ask an MPCNC question. Thanks

1- Pictures . 99% of the time A few pictures of your entire build will help, including electronics. We do not care about empty pizza boxes and nasty wiring. Seriously if you do not get any further….show some pictures.

2- Link it. If you are using something you did not buy from here, link it . We don’t care where you choose to spend your money. We only care about getting you going as smoothly as possible. Saying “I bought the recommend part” 100% does not help.

3- Software. This leaves software. Details of all the software you are using (too many times we get ten questions in and find out I am talking Estlcam and they are using something else). Screen shots help, dropbox or drive links to your files and gcode help.

4- New . Start a New thread. Even if you think you are having the exact same issue, please start a new thread.


Buenas días, me gustaría poner topes finales cnc, pero no encuentro el marlin para Rampas 1.4 tengo los cables puestos y los finales de carrera.

A post was split to a new topic: Can’t load firmware or move motors

A post was split to a new topic: Connecting to old MPCNCs