posting links to shared albums

Do posts with links to shared google albums have to be approved now or something?


Anytime I try to add a link, the post doesn’t show up.

I know links are trouble. You definitely can’t post it on it’s own. It has to have some text.

I also know if you double post a link, it’s in danger of being destroyed by the robot.

Huh, yeah, I just tried to respond with a link, and it’s being deleted.


Maybe in a tag?

Not even in a tag. Maybe another website? ?

What about?

What about

I’m going to get banned for experimenting with the robot…

Looks like it doesn’t like photos dot app dot goo dot gl.

Can I post anything?

ok, so it’s something to do with the main url part. I can’t post it, even without the dots, so maybe g o o or p h o t o s is some kind of keyword?

So Ryan broke it… gotcha :slight_smile:

Aww man, always something with the website. I guess the spam filter has been updated. I will see if there are any setting I can change.

I went in and cleared them all. There really are no settings, so hopefully it is a learning thing…jeez Louise.




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and I suddenly have 15 posts to go clean/update/remove…