Ranbo 1.4 preflashed z endstop always open

Hi all,

So Im in the end stages of MPCNC. When using the M119 command to look at my end stop positions I could not get the Z endstop to send a triggered position. I tried with multiple different Limit switches. i even tried completely removing the Z endstop from the board but was still getting a Open response for the Z endstop position using the M119 command. Does anyone have any recommended trouble shooting measures I could try.

At this point, I suggest you directly short out the Z min endstop pins at the board. You want to be very careful to short between the signal and ground (between ‘-’ and ‘s’), and not short out the positive pin to ground. A FF Dupont cable would be ideal. I think a jumper will work as well. Once shorted, boot the board and test with an M119. If it does not say ‘triggered’ with a direct short, then you have a board issue with the endstop pins. If so, it is likely you can do a simple mod in the firmware and use the Z max endstop connections instead.

If it does say ‘triggered,’ then you have a wiring issue of some sort. The Z endstop is expecting a normally open connection and will say ‘triggered’ when the circuit is closed.

The Z stop is NO. The others are NC. This is so you can use a z touch plate.

A common mistake is to tie the signal to the bit and the ground to the plate. But with the router plugged in, it often is already finding a party to ground.