Red and Silver, East TN Build

Starting my log off with screen prints from my slicer. My first two parts printed without issues. I’m happy with them. I’m sure they could be better, but they fit the EMT conduit and look pretty good.

Please feel free to murder my settings. I’m always happy to learn something new. Let me know if I’m overdoing the information.

Printer: Anycubic I3 Mega S
Slicer: Prusa
Filament: 3D Fuel (Fire-engine Red, Simply Silver)
Router: Bosch Colt
Controller: Rambo 1.4
Work Area: 24x36
EMT: 3/4 23.5mm (Lowes)

Here goes:

# generated by PrusaSlicer 2.2.0+linux-x64 on 2021-02-27 at 21:27:59 UTC

[print:PLA MPCNC Core]
avoid_crossing_perimeters = 0
bottom_fill_pattern = rectilinear
bottom_solid_layers = 4
bottom_solid_min_thickness = 0
bridge_acceleration = 0
bridge_angle = 0
bridge_flow_ratio = 1
bridge_speed = 60
brim_width = 0
clip_multipart_objects = 1
compatible_printers =
compatible_printers_condition =
complete_objects = 0
default_acceleration = 0
dont_support_bridges = 0
draft_shield = 0
elefant_foot_compensation = 0.2
ensure_vertical_shell_thickness = 1
external_perimeter_extrusion_width = 0.45
external_perimeter_speed = 50%
external_perimeters_first = 0
extra_perimeters = 1
extruder_clearance_height = 20
extruder_clearance_radius = 20
extrusion_width = 0.45
fill_angle = 45
fill_density = 70%
fill_pattern = rectilinear
first_layer_acceleration = 0
first_layer_extrusion_width = 0.42
first_layer_height = 0.35
first_layer_speed = 15
gap_fill_speed = 20
gcode_comments = 1
gcode_label_objects = 1
infill_acceleration = 0
infill_every_layers = 1
infill_extruder = 1
infill_extrusion_width = 0.45
infill_first = 0
infill_only_where_needed = 0
infill_overlap = 25%
infill_speed = 70
inherits =
interface_shells = 0
layer_height = 0.2
max_print_speed = 80
max_volumetric_speed = 0
min_skirt_length = 0
notes =
only_retract_when_crossing_perimeters = 1
ooze_prevention = 0
output_filename_format = [input_filename_base].gcode
overhangs = 1
perimeter_acceleration = 0
perimeter_extruder = 1
perimeter_extrusion_width = 0.45
perimeter_speed = 60
perimeters = 4
post_process =
print_settings_id =
raft_layers = 0
resolution = 0
seam_position = random
single_extruder_multi_material_priming = 1
skirt_distance = 6
skirt_height = 1
skirts = 0
slice_closing_radius = 0.049
small_perimeter_speed = 15
solid_infill_below_area = 70
solid_infill_every_layers = 0
solid_infill_extruder = 1
solid_infill_extrusion_width = 0.45
solid_infill_speed = 30
spiral_vase = 0
standby_temperature_delta = -5
support_material = 0
support_material_angle = 0
support_material_auto = 1
support_material_buildplate_only = 0
support_material_contact_distance = 0.25
support_material_enforce_layers = 0
support_material_extruder = 1
support_material_extrusion_width = 0.35
support_material_interface_contact_loops = 0
support_material_interface_extruder = 1
support_material_interface_layers = 4
support_material_interface_spacing = 0.4
support_material_interface_speed = 100%
support_material_pattern = rectilinear-grid
support_material_spacing = 1
support_material_speed = 60
support_material_synchronize_layers = 0
support_material_threshold = 60
support_material_with_sheath = 1
support_material_xy_spacing = 0.4
thin_walls = 1
threads = 4
top_fill_pattern = rectilinear
top_infill_extrusion_width = 0.4
top_solid_infill_speed = 20
top_solid_layers = 4
top_solid_min_thickness = 0
travel_speed = 130
wipe_tower = 0
wipe_tower_bridging = 10
wipe_tower_no_sparse_layers = 0
wipe_tower_rotation_angle = 0
wipe_tower_width = 60
wipe_tower_x = 180
wipe_tower_y = 140
xy_size_compensation = 0

[print:PLA MPCNC parts]
avoid_crossing_perimeters = 1
bottom_fill_pattern = rectilinear
bottom_solid_layers = 4
bottom_solid_min_thickness = 0
bridge_acceleration = 0
bridge_angle = 0
bridge_flow_ratio = 1
bridge_speed = 40
brim_width = 0
clip_multipart_objects = 1
compatible_printers =
compatible_printers_condition =
complete_objects = 0
default_acceleration = 0
dont_support_bridges = 0
draft_shield = 0
elefant_foot_compensation = 0.2
ensure_vertical_shell_thickness = 1
external_perimeter_extrusion_width = 0.45
external_perimeter_speed = 50%
external_perimeters_first = 0
extra_perimeters = 1
extruder_clearance_height = 20
extruder_clearance_radius = 20
extrusion_width = 0.45
fill_angle = 45
fill_density = 45%
fill_pattern = rectilinear
first_layer_acceleration = 0
first_layer_extrusion_width = 0.42
first_layer_height = 0.35
first_layer_speed = 15
gap_fill_speed = 20
gcode_comments = 1
gcode_label_objects = 1
infill_acceleration = 0
infill_every_layers = 1
infill_extruder = 1
infill_extrusion_width = 0.45
infill_first = 0
infill_only_where_needed = 0
infill_overlap = 25%
infill_speed = 50
inherits =
interface_shells = 0
layer_height = 0.3
max_print_speed = 50
max_volumetric_speed = 0
min_skirt_length = 0
notes =
only_retract_when_crossing_perimeters = 1
ooze_prevention = 0
output_filename_format = [input_filename_base].gcode
overhangs = 1
perimeter_acceleration = 0
perimeter_extruder = 1
perimeter_extrusion_width = 0.45
perimeter_speed = 50
perimeters = 4
post_process =
print_settings_id =
raft_layers = 0
resolution = 0
seam_position = random
single_extruder_multi_material_priming = 1
skirt_distance = 6
skirt_height = 1
skirts = 0
slice_closing_radius = 0.049
small_perimeter_speed = 15
solid_infill_below_area = 70
solid_infill_every_layers = 0
solid_infill_extruder = 1
solid_infill_extrusion_width = 0.45
solid_infill_speed = 30
spiral_vase = 0
standby_temperature_delta = -5
support_material = 0
support_material_angle = 0
support_material_auto = 1
support_material_buildplate_only = 0
support_material_contact_distance = 0.25
support_material_enforce_layers = 0
support_material_extruder = 1
support_material_extrusion_width = 0.35
support_material_interface_contact_loops = 0
support_material_interface_extruder = 1
support_material_interface_layers = 4
support_material_interface_spacing = 0.4
support_material_interface_speed = 100%
support_material_pattern = rectilinear-grid
support_material_spacing = 1
support_material_speed = 60
support_material_synchronize_layers = 0
support_material_threshold = 60
support_material_with_sheath = 1
support_material_xy_spacing = 0.4
thin_walls = 1
threads = 4
top_fill_pattern = rectilinear
top_infill_extrusion_width = 0.4
top_solid_infill_speed = 20
top_solid_layers = 4
top_solid_min_thickness = 0
travel_speed = 130
wipe_tower = 0
wipe_tower_bridging = 10
wipe_tower_no_sparse_layers = 0
wipe_tower_rotation_angle = 0
wipe_tower_width = 60
wipe_tower_x = 180
wipe_tower_y = 140
xy_size_compensation = 0

[filament:PLA for MPCNC]
bed_temperature = 60
bridge_fan_speed = 100
compatible_printers =
compatible_printers_condition =
compatible_prints =
compatible_prints_condition =
cooling = 1
disable_fan_first_layers = 3
end_filament_gcode = “; Filament-specific end gcode \n;END gcode for filament\n”
extrusion_multiplier = 1
fan_always_on = 0
fan_below_layer_time = 60
filament_colour = #000000
filament_cooling_final_speed = 3.4
filament_cooling_initial_speed = 2.2
filament_cooling_moves = 4
filament_cost = 24
filament_density = 0
filament_deretract_speed = nil
filament_diameter = 1.72
filament_load_time = 0
filament_loading_speed = 28
filament_loading_speed_start = 3
filament_max_volumetric_speed = 0
filament_minimal_purge_on_wipe_tower = 15
filament_notes = “”
filament_ramming_parameters = “120 100 6.6 6.8 7.2 7.6 7.9 8.2 8.7 9.4 9.9 10.0| 0.05 6.6 0.45 6.8 0.95 7.8 1.45 8.3 1.95 9.7 2.45 10 2.95 7.6 3.45 7.6 3.95 7.6 4.45 7.6 4.95 7.6”
filament_retract_before_travel = nil
filament_retract_before_wipe = 1%
filament_retract_layer_change = 1
filament_retract_length = 2
filament_retract_lift = nil
filament_retract_lift_above = nil
filament_retract_lift_below = nil
filament_retract_restart_extra = nil
filament_retract_speed = 70
filament_settings_id = “”
filament_soluble = 0
filament_toolchange_delay = 0
filament_type = PLA
filament_unload_time = 0
filament_unloading_speed = 90
filament_unloading_speed_start = 100
filament_vendor = (Unknown)
filament_wipe = nil
first_layer_bed_temperature = 60
first_layer_temperature = 200
inherits =
max_fan_speed = 100
min_fan_speed = 35
min_print_speed = 10
slowdown_below_layer_time = 5
start_filament_gcode = “; Filament gcode\n”
temperature = 200

bed_custom_model =
bed_custom_texture =
bed_shape = 0x0,210x0,210x210,0x210
before_layer_gcode =
between_objects_gcode =
cooling_tube_length = 5
cooling_tube_retraction = 91.5
default_filament_profile = “”
default_print_profile =
deretract_speed = 0
end_gcode = M104 S0 ; turn off temperature\nM84 ; disable motors\nM204 S4000\nM205 X20 Y20\nM107\nM104 S0 ; turn off extruder\nM140 S0 ; turn off bed\nM84 ; disable motors\nM107\nG91 ;relative positioning\nG1 E-1 F300 ;retract the filament a bit before lifting the nozzle, to release some of the pressure\nG1 Z+0.5 E-5 ;X-20 Y-20 F100 ;move Z up a bit and retract filament even more\nG28 X0 ;Y0 ;move X/Y to min endstops, so the head is out of the way\nG1 Y180 F2000\nG90\nM300 P300 S4000\nM82 ;absolute extrusion mode\nM104 S0
extra_loading_move = -2
extruder_colour = “”
extruder_offset = 0x0
gcode_flavor = marlin
high_current_on_filament_swap = 0
host_type = octoprint
inherits =
layer_gcode =
machine_max_acceleration_e = 10000,5000
machine_max_acceleration_extruding = 1500,1250
machine_max_acceleration_retracting = 1500,1250
machine_max_acceleration_x = 9000,1000
machine_max_acceleration_y = 9000,1000
machine_max_acceleration_z = 500,200
machine_max_feedrate_e = 120,120
machine_max_feedrate_x = 500,200
machine_max_feedrate_y = 500,200
machine_max_feedrate_z = 12,12
machine_max_jerk_e = 2.5,2.5
machine_max_jerk_x = 10,10
machine_max_jerk_y = 10,10
machine_max_jerk_z = 0.2,0.4
machine_min_extruding_rate = 0,0
machine_min_travel_rate = 0,0
max_layer_height = 0
max_print_height = 200
min_layer_height = 0.07
nozzle_diameter = 0.4
parking_pos_retraction = 92
print_host =
printer_model =
printer_notes =
printer_settings_id =
printer_technology = FFF
printer_variant =
printer_vendor =
printhost_apikey = xxxxx
printhost_cafile =
remaining_times = 1
retract_before_travel = 1
retract_before_wipe = 0%
retract_layer_change = 1
retract_length = 3.2
retract_length_toolchange = 10
retract_lift = 0.6
retract_lift_above = 0
retract_lift_below = 209
retract_restart_extra = 0
retract_restart_extra_toolchange = 0
retract_speed = 40
serial_port =
serial_speed = 250000
silent_mode = 0
single_extruder_multi_material = 0
start_gcode = G28 ; home all axes\nG1 Z5 F5000 ; lift nozzle\n
thumbnails =
toolchange_gcode =
use_firmware_retraction = 0
use_relative_e_distances = 0
use_volumetric_e = 0
variable_layer_height = 1
wipe = 1
z_offset = 0.15

print = PLA MPCNC parts
sla_print =
sla_material =
printer = anycubic
filament = PLA for MPCNC

Keeping track of things:

Printer and Filament:

Printed Parts (I’ll keep adding some here as I go).

Electronics Tested good:

1 Like

Hey mate, welcome! Honestly, looking through the images is quite a hassle! What about getting a text output and showing it instead? I think it’s possible somehow, don’t remember the details.

Anyways, I think the speed recommandations are a little lower than what you are running - but that’s differing wildly depending on the printer and comsic fluctuations… if you are safe running those speeds, no worries. If you want to be certain, you can bring them down to around 30mms. And I don’t know if 4 perimitres are necessary, 3 might be enough.

@turbinbjorn - Thanks for the response. I’ll look into getting a dump of my settings from Prusa Slicer. So far the print jobs are coming out pretty nice (I suppose, I’ve only been at this 3d stuff for about 10 months, so still pretty new at it). Lamination looks good, the only complaint is the “hairy” prints when the hot end crosses over a void. Again, I’ll tackle the output settings to text only. I’ll post those when I figure that out.

Thanks again.

1 Like

I’ve scratched my head many times over the hairy strings! I’ve read that it’s a difficult balance, between retraction and flow rate. It’s better to brush (heat) off the strings, that having sub-par print quality.

If you can get the stringing really fine, you can just go over it quickly with a lighter. They disappear quickly.

If you retract too often, you can get in a situation where the same piece of plastic is going back and forth through the extruder and it will get damaged or warmed up.

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wow… this is taking a long time :slight_smile:

almost there…

Is this the only line in config.h (509D) to be change in order to add a single extruder/part fan/heatbed?

// This defines the number of extruders
// :[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]
#define EXTRUDERS 0

// TO

define EXTRUDERS 1


No. The temperature sensor needs to be set. The steps per mm needs to be set. Do you have an skr? The rambo doesn’t have 6 drivers, so you would have to switch to serial wiring and firmware.

There are MP3DP versions in MarlinBuilder releases. They are not dual endstops.

No, I have the Rambo 1.4 . Guess I misunderstood the diagram. My mistake. I guess in serial mode for the steppers, the “dual home” would not work if wired in that configuration and what is the downside to doing this with regard to overheating or stress on the rambo board or stepper motors?


:slight_smile: I see you answered my question about dual endstops before I posted my question, but what about stress on the board/motors using the serial configuration.

There is no stress on the motors or drivers. It is counterintuitive. Series wiring is a good solution.

Ok, another stupid question from an old guy. So initially I was going to use the dual endstops and I wanted to be able to use it as a 3d printer as well as a cnc router (because I did not understand I was out of drivers). Now it clicked in my mind, I’ve flashed this Rambo 1.4 board with 510D (dual) and now I plan to use the serial stepper motor wiring. The question: So that means I need to reflash it with “non dual” firmware and turn on TEMP_SENSOR 0 11 in configuration.h?

Ok, one more question (which I don’t think is stupid, maybe it is), if I’m using the non-dual enstop firmware, can I still use limit switche(s) to home for z and x (realizing it all has to plug into the min-sig for X and Z which is one plug each now since I’ll be using the non-dual)? and if I can, can I or should I hook them up in series (per axis x and y - not Z obviously) so it opens the circuit on both sides of the axis or is that even necessary?

Thanks again.

You should be much closer if you start with MP3DP_Rambo. Which is serial, and has an extruder defined (mk8, I think).

Bulk of printing done. Just need the tool holder, but the parts that make it zoom are done.
On to belts and wiring.

Yay me!


Nice crown.

Ok, got it wired up and X and Y home work fine. Using the serial motor wiring as advised so I can use this MPCNC as a 3d printer also. I’m running the MP3DP firmware 510P.

My only issue left to deal with this: Z probe (as in I want to use a touch plate for bit changes and CNC work. So, using Z min (based on the board layout “Board” , but when I use cnc.js or repetier host and issue M119, Z shows trigger unless I short the signal and ground together and then it shows open. Also, if I clip wire to bit and touchplate , execute G28 Z , Z goes up about 5mm and stops. If I clip the clip to the touch plate (shorting them), then it issue G28 Z it begins its descent as expected and stops when I un-short the touchplate.

I tried #define Z_MIN_PROBE_ENDSTOP_INVERTING true this but did not work. Same results as above.