Running too slow

Obviously I have something basic wrong but can’t see it.
The crown wants to print over 16 hours.

Here are my settings.

When I paid for the Estlcam software it wiped all my settings but I think I have them correct but something is not right.

Thanks chaps.


F80 is 80mm/minute and f3 is 3mm/minute. That’s way too slow. I don’t use estlam, so i don’t know where to change it, but that’s the problem.

I have my Feed unit EstlCAM set to mm/min. Then I set all my tool speeds that way. They’ve been coming out the correct speed. Try updating that.

00:16:00 hours is 16 mins. Did you try running it?

Those settings look right. Somehow they are not taking. The feed rates of 80 and “3.000” are strange. They bear no relationship to the feed rates on the tool, not a multiple of 60 or anything you might expect if there were a missed setting somewhere.

Try creating a new tool with different feed rates, say 19 mm/s XY and 6 mm/s Z, just to see what it generates.

On your coordinates.png, check the repeat “f” box. And your speeds are wrong in your tool settings, that usually means you are setting them in the wrong units. In your cncsetup.png mm/min is correct, but you can also set how you want to have the tools settings for speed, I use and recommend mm/s.

Have a look at the milling basics page for some realist numbers.

Haven’t had a lot of time but will get onto it tonight. Thanks again. Rob

Thanks chaps

You were all correct.

Mishmash of settings and tools

Got the router today and bought some bits and had a tentative run around the crown.

I love you guys.

Thanks again!


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