Show ruler/dimensions in EstlCAM

Is there a way to measure or show a ruler in estlcam? I’m constantly counting the boxes to determine how big something is, and it’s really tedious. Is there a setting to show this I’m not seeing?

You can drag the middle mouse button to measure.


THANKYOU!!! :pray:

Great tip! I was counting boxes, too! Now, if only there was an undo function. Counting boxes is tedious, but nothing compared to starting the entire project over every time you accidentally move a component…

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Agreed, undo would be great

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Not everything can be undone, but the backspace is supposedly undo.

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I found that the Edit -Delete seems to work as undone. Worked for me when playing with the pocket- island functions. Which took me way to long to understand how to use. The delete seem to erase the last thing I did.