SKR V1.1 32-bit Controller Board

Ryan, how does this board look for a MPCNC controller board? It’s cheap and seems to have everything needed for dual endstops. Support for it was recently added to Marlin 2.0

[attachment file=81237]

Looks like it would work. I think it’s a smoothieboard clone, so there’d be less direct support for it from those of us that use RAMPS or RAMBOs.

If it can run smoothie , then I think it can run bcnc, which is pretty good, like mach3 for grbl.

Did a little searching and couldn’t find anyone commenting on this board. I ordered one today and will test it on build #2 (500x650x100 mm purpose built for aluminum), but don’t know if it’ll stay there as my HEVO needs it. I have a pile of DRV drivers here I can try out, not sure about the TMC2208’s it’s coming with cooperating with the 84 steppers I’m running. I’ll be sure to post my comparison against the MKS Gen-L and my Marlin and Klipper configs.

Curious to hear what you find.

It’s on my list of boards to try out…

It’s a smoothie redesign using a LPC1769 instead of the LPC1768.

It will run Marlin, Reprapfirmware, Klipper, Smoothie


Bigtree also released a mini version using STM32F processor for $10


Stay away from smoothie firmware

You guys have any updates for the SKR 1.3 board for MPCNC?

I have just about finished my prints for MPCNC, and have a SKR 1.3 board and TMC 2208 drivers here I was going to use on my Ender 5. Ender 5 working so well that I am re-thinking the retrofit of the SKR board.

Wanted to do the dual-endstops and it looks like we can use the two extruder steppers for X1 and Y1.

It is possible, however, that we might need to go to TMC 2209 for a little more current.


I upgraded the control board on my Ender 3 to the SKR1.3 with TMC2208’s. I followed the guide by Teaching Tech to set it up with Marlin 2.o, and it works pretty well. With 5 stepper drivers, this would make a great low-cost alternative to a RAMBo for a dual-endstop build.

I wouldn’t bother with expensive TMC2209s. If you’re using this with a router, the router howl and cutting noise are going to be far louder than any noise produced by your steppers. And these machines aren’t being run at full current anyway. You’ll generally run out of gantry rigidity long before you run out of motor torque. So there is no need to set higher (and hotter) current values on your drivers. Standard DRV8825s will be fine.


Edit: To use this board, you’ll have to configure your own version of Marlin, which might not be something you’re comfortable with. The advantage of sticking with a supported board is that Ryan does all of this hard work for you.

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Has anyone tried setting up this board for cnc?

I got the SKR 1.3 and the test run is good, I haven’t gotten all of the parts yet for my MPCNC.

This is a video from the test…

Just got mine up and working with an SKR 1.3 and TMC 2209s (motion control at least).

TeachingTech has Marlin firmware for the LowRider available in the description of his LowRider firmware setup vid ( and all I had to do with it was change my stepper driver types in configuration.h and comment out #define Z_DUAL_STEPPER_DRIVERS and enable #define Y_DUAL_STEPPER_DRIVERS in configuration_adv.h.

I’m not 100% up and running as the next thing I want to do is work on gcode router on and off control. I’m using the fan control connected to an SSR to control on and off for the router. I tested it with a different board and it even wound up giving me some level of spindle speed control based on the fan speed setting.


I also just got my MPCNC working with SKR 1.3 and TMC2208s. I posted the build here:

The firmware for the SKR 1.3 is here:

The firmware for the touchscreen I used is here:


Cross posting from

Here’s another firmware setup with dual endstops. It uses fairly recent Marlin with MPCNC configs ported to it.

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