[SOLVED] CNCJS MARLIN SKR V1.3 "Unknown command M3"


Sorry for bothering.
I got CNCJS on a Pi3B and Marlin 2.0.7 on a BTT SKR V1.3 working fine.
I can send Gcodes and jog all motors.
Now I came to the next thing to implement.
Simple spindle control.
Just need to start and stop the spindle by a 5 volt relais connected to the Servo port of the SKR V1.3
I changed the Marlin code to make the spindel active on P2_00 in the pins file.
#define SPINDLE_LASER_ENA_PIN P2_00 // servo pin
Also enabled the appropiate code lines in configuration_adv.h

#define SPINDLE_LASER_ACTIVE_STATE LOW // Set to “HIGH” if the on/off function is active HIGH
//#define SPINDLE_LASER_PWM true // Set to “true” if your controller supports setting the speed/power
//#define SPINDLE_LASER_PWM_INVERT false // Set to “true” if the speed/power goes up when you want it to go slower
//#define SPINDLE_LASER_FREQUENCY 2500 // (Hz) Spindle/laser frequency (only on supported HALs: AVR and LPC)

But when in CNCJS I click the M3 or M5 icons I get unkown command in the console screen like
Echo unkown command: “M3 S1000”.

DId I missed something along the line?
Anyone with the knowledge.
Googled a few hours but not near any solution or reason why the unkonw command happens.


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Problem solved.
For some reason, always my own fault :wink: I did not uncomment this line.
I thought I did…but I did not.
So if you run into this problem check your code.

So now the next inplementation to add.
