Source files skr PRO dual change bedsize

I built my lowrider for a 48 by 96 (1220 x 2440) bed.
I use the firmware.bin file that is in the “V1CNC_SkrPro_DualLR_2209-” Download.
It works fine, except that the bed size is small, and if I home X, and X is to the right, it errors out, and I have to unplug the power and restart.
But that download does not have all of the source files, it only has the marlin directory and the firmware.bin file. If I try to change bed size (edit #define X_BED_SIZE 1220, Y_Bed_Size 2440 using visual studio, it errors out when I try to build.

If I use the Marlin-1CNC_SKR_Pro_Dual files set, I can change using vs studio, but I when I move X, it moves the right Z and X, and if I move Z, it moves only the left Z.

I tried overwriting the marlin directory in the second set above with the one that came in the working one, it compiles, but moves right Z with X, anyways.

It has all the source files, except HALs that aren’t required for your Skr board. I remove the extra HALs for… other reasons… and they should not affect your builds.

I am confident that source code builds, because it is what was used to generate the firmware.bin. I don’t change any code or delete any files in the scripts after I build, and before I zip up the source.

I do not know what firmware that is.

I agree with @jeffeb3, I changed my bed size and recompiled for this same reason.
Edit: Here’s my thread about this topic

I guess I am too much of a noob. But in the download. The only folder is the marlin folder. I can use VS and edit the configuration.h file.
But it VS will not compile because it does not have the platformio files in that folder.

also, thanks for the reply
Jeffeb3, can I ask what source files you used?

I just looked again at GitHub, and noted that it has a directory that is source files I think to add to the specific.
I had to copy a platrormio.ini file over. But It fails. I will keep trying stuff

I am an embarrassed NOOB.
I noted that inside that Marlin folder, there was another marlin folder. And there were all of the source files, and it works?

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The zip in a zip is a little goofy. Maybe that tripped you up. I am happy you are building now though.

That was the problem. I started comparing files to see what I needed to bring over, when I figured it out and then compiled.
Thanks again for the help!