Spindle upgrades

A friend of mine repairs CNC machines for a living. He also builds/rebuilds them on the side. He really likes the setup I have going and suggested looking in to this.

Price seems reasonable, I seem to be burning up brushes really quick on these dewalts, even with a speed controller. 2 sets of brushes and 1 motor.

Seems like this would be a nicely priced option for the mpcnc.


It’s a touch heavy, but might be alright. As long as you have 220 available.

Yeah, I would try to hit closer to 800 on a quality spindle. That will put you with a surplus of power, 1500, you are just shaking around a whole bunch of unnecessary weight. If you went running would you carry a small water bottle or a gallon jug? You only need so much (spindle power/water while running) and any extra is actually detrimental.

I saw the weight of the 2.2 was like 10lbs. This one is about 6. If it’s too much I’ll use it on another project and try an 800 then.

There is not really a too much, but it will be not as good as a properly sized one. Try it, if you already bought it, if not just buy the smaller one. There is a weight factor and a size factor.