Table plans


I’ve been searching my workshop and I think I can build a complete table out of stuff I’ve rescued. However, I don’t have any C-channel. I do have 6.5m of 3mm angle. I could bolt some of this to the sides for the wheels to run on. But (never having seen a LR table), I don’t know if a 3mm platform would be ok.

Are there any Lowriders in Brisbane? I’d love to pay you a visit…


Aluminum or steel? Al might flex under the weight. Here’s my build album for my current table. Should give you some ideas.

How much overhang is needed for where the LowRider tracks along the sides? I understand there is a set of wheels underneath the carriage that ride along the bottom of the overhang. How much room is needed?

Also, how thin of an overhang is workable? Could those wheels underneath be OK with as thin as a single 3/4" thick overhang?

There aren’t wheels on the bottom on v2. But there is a poking out part that goes under the wheels. So the clearance between the bottom of the wheels and that part is about 4". If you want a thicker table, consider building out a rail for the LR. Some people use unistrut.

Maybe I’m seeing customizations without realizing they are customizations. I guess people bought extra wheels and did something to add the wheels I see “gripping” from underneath the carriage?

See photo for example:

If those wheels I have been seeing underneath are not considered “stock” on the kit for the LowRider, then is anything besides gravity holding it all down?

Are those added wheels (from underneath) desirable? Helpful? If so, can anyone point me to a revision of the plans that includes those?

That is a version 1.

There is a lot of gravity keeping it down.

OK, thank you!