Teaching Tech Skr 1.3

Ok I made it back outside.

Still same error. I hook everything up but the endstops.

Do the endstops have to be hooked up to not get the error?

So we are sure I don’t need a resistor or clk to gnd or any other mod?

I’m having to leave to watch my kids basketball game so no time to wire up endstops right now.


thanks everyone…

I think you should hook up repetier host to see what the error message is that gets printed on the serial port. That would help a lot.

I will give this a try tomorrow. Thanks

Ok with repeater host:

LCD display with in a few seconds: Testing X connection… Error: All low

and repeater host displays:

17:00:08.948 : No start signal detected - forcing start
17:00:09.026 : FIRMWARE_NAME:Marlin bugfix-2.0.x (Github) SOURCE_CODE_URL:https://github.com/MarlinFirmware/Marlin PROTOCOL_VERSION:1.0 MACHINE_TYPE:V1 E CNC EXTRUDER_COUNT:1 UUID:cede2a2f-41a2-4748-9b12-c55c62f367ff
17:00:09.026 : Cap:SERIAL_XON_XOFF:0
17:00:09.026 : Cap:BINARY_FILE_TRANSFER:0
17:00:09.026 : Cap:EEPROM:1
17:00:09.026 : Cap:VOLUMETRIC:1
17:00:09.026 : Cap:AUTOREPORT_TEMP:1
17:00:09.026 : Cap:PROGRESS:0
17:00:09.026 : Cap:PRINT_JOB:1
17:00:09.026 : Cap:AUTOLEVEL:0
17:00:09.026 : Cap:Z_PROBE:0
17:00:09.026 : Cap:LEVELING_DATA:0
17:00:09.026 : Cap:BUILD_PERCENT:0
17:00:09.026 : Cap:SOFTWARE_POWER:0
17:00:09.026 : Cap:TOGGLE_LIGHTS:0
17:00:09.026 : Cap:CASE_LIGHT_BRIGHTNESS:0
17:00:09.026 : Cap:EMERGENCY_PARSER:0
17:00:09.026 : Cap:PROMPT_SUPPORT:0
17:00:09.026 : Cap:AUTOREPORT_SD_STATUS:0
17:00:09.026 : Cap:THERMAL_PROTECTION:1
17:00:09.026 : Cap:MOTION_MODES:1
17:00:09.026 : Cap:CHAMBER_TEMPERATURE:0
17:00:09.026 : X:0.00 Y:0.00 Z:40.00 E:0.00 Count X:0 Y:0 Z:32000
17:00:09.026 : echo:DEBUG:INFO,ERRORS
17:00:09.026 : Begin file list
17:00:09.026 : End file list
17:00:09.026 : echo:Unknown command: “M80”
17:00:09.026 : echo:DEBUG:INFO,ERRORS

I don’t have endstops hooked up as of yet if that makes any difference. If I don’t get this going soon I will just hook up the minirambo back up.

Hello there, ive got the same Problem with my Y Homing and tested the files you uploaded and the worked fine! Can you send my the source form that files please ? so i could make some changes on my own ? I tried everything but my Y endstops wont work. I want my machine to home to the bottom right (X+,Y-,Z-).

Thanks, and sorry for my bad englisch :stuck_out_tongue:

Ok after so much reading on different forums and so many saying don’t need do anything for pins on 5160. Found my problem. Here is a quote from Bigtreetech:
“found the reason, just need to break the third pin from the right, because of this pin is the CLK of the chip, but the SCK of the spi have be wired with this pin by motherboard, This causes the main frequency of the chip to be provided by SPI SCK, So all you need to do is modify as following figure. and tmc5161 is the same reason”
For anyone that need this info you can go to link: https://github.com/bigtreetech/BIGTREETECH-TMC5160-V1.0/issues/2

I haven’t tried to carve anything but I took off the router and zero out about mid-table and then had it go though the motions of cutting a file. I let it go for about 5 mins with no problems.

I’m looking to upgrade my TFT28 to a TFT35 and I can’t get TT TFT28 loaded onto TFT35 after renaming the file it loads to 100% but don’t seem to upload icons and fonts and just stay froze on 100% untill you unplug the board and then reboot TFT is blank (I can reflash with other firmware but doesn’t work to move axis)… off to more reading… Hope above helps… Thanks everyone for your input!!

You can’t interchange a 28 to a 35. They’re different parts.

I know this is an older thread, but I have a dilema. I ordered the SKR 1.3 and the 5160’s after seeing TT video online and now have no idea what i am doing. I loaded his files on an sd card. Made sure the 4 jumpers under the drivers were in and the 2 red ones. I now have bent up the 3rd pin from the right and still no movement. Has anyone wrote a step by step on how this needs to be done. I am very unfamiliar with any programs or programming. Thank you!


hi, what is this error after m122?

X Y Y2 Z Z2
Enabled false false false false false
Set current 800 800 800 800 800
RMS current 792 792 792 792 792
MAX current 1117 1117 1117 1117 1117
Run current 15/31 15/31 15/31 15/31 15/31
Hold current 7/31 7/31 7/31 7/31 7/31
Global scaler 133/256 133/256 133/256 133/256 133/256
CS actual 31/31 31/31 31/31 31/31 31/31
PWM scale 4294967295 4294967295 4294967295 4294967295 4294967295
stealthChop true true true true true
msteps 0 0 0 0 0
tstep 4294967295 4294967295 4294967295 4294967295 4294967295
threshold 79 79 79 658 658
[mm/s] 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
OT prewarn true true true true true
OT prewarn has
been triggered false false false false false
off time 15 15 15 15 15
blank time 54 54 54 54 54
-end 12 12 12 12 12
-start 8 8 8 8 8
Stallguard thrs 0 0 0 0 0
stallguard X X X X X
sg_result 1023 1023 1023 1023 1023
fsactive X X X X X
stst X X X X X
olb X X X X X
ola X X X X X
s2gb X X X X X
s2ga X X X X X
otpw X X X X X
ot X X X X X
Driver registers:
X 0xFF:FF:FF:FF Bad response!
Y 0xFF:FF:FF:FF Bad response!
Y2 0xFF:FF:FF:FF Bad response!
Z 0xFF:FF:FF:FF Bad response!
Z2 0xFF:FF:FF:FF Bad response!
Testing X connection… Error: All HIGH
Testing Y connection… Error: All HIGH
Testing Y2 connection… Error: All HIGH
Testing Z connection… Error: All HIGH
Testing Z2 connection… Error: All HIGH

It isn’t getting a response from the drivers. It is trying to talk to them over the spi, but they aren’t responding.

They need to be powered. Some boards (like the skr pro) have separate motor power, and you need to also attach the 12V there.

The jumpers need to be set for the type of drivers you have. The TMC5160 and TMC2130 both talk over SPI. So they need 4 jumpers, IIRC. The TMC2209/2208 use UART and have a different jumper.

The firmware needs to be configured for the right driver. If you installed 2209s in a board flashed with 5160 firmware, it won’t work.

I have 5160 and the 4 jumper under tmc is on. skr 1.3.

ok. All the rest of that status message is just junk. The first thing that has to be right is the part I quoted. It is not able to talk to the drivers, so that’s where you have to start.

Ok. But i don’t know how to do this

Why don’t you make a new post. Share some photos of the board all wired up and me, or one of the skr users here might come up with something.

Have you modify your zip file with the new firmware. It works for me finally, but i’d like to write my firmware starting from yours. Can you share the new one or the old one but editable?
Thank so much

I solved cutting one pin on TMC5160

@nightlink - Sorry I may have missed it but the firmware you compiled, is it for a low rider or an MPCNC? I’m trying to get my MPCNC up and running with a SKR 1.3 with TMC2208 drivers. I have watched the Teaching Tech’s videos (watch most of his videos in general) but need 2 X, 2 Y and 1 Z for both stepper motors and endstops.

If it were me, I’d start with a V1 maintained version of the firmware and then make whatever configuration changes you need for your specific hardware. You can find the V1 maintained firmware here. I’d start with V1CNC_Skr1p3_2209 if doing a serial build, or V1CNC_Skr1p3_Dual_2209 if doing a dual endstop version. I’m not sure what changes are required to change the firmware from the TMC2209 to the TMC2208 drivers, but I expect them to be minor since I believe these two drivers are pin compatable. If the Teaching Tech version of the firmware was using TMC2208 drivers, you could do a compare of the stepper sections between the V1 version and the Teaching Tech version. Any necessary changes will be in either configuration.h or configuration_adv.h. I like to use Meld to do my comparisons.

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Thanks. I’ll give that a try.

I looked around a bit after I posted my answer yesterday. There are a folks on this forum that know more about the Marlin than I do, but given the limited amount of features that V1 uses on the TMC2209 driver, I think all you have to do is make a change in this section of configuration.h:

#define X_DRIVER_TYPE TMC2209
#define Y_DRIVER_TYPE TMC2209
#define Z_DRIVER_TYPE TMC2209
#define X2_DRIVER_TYPE TMC2209
#define Y2_DRIVER_TYPE TMC2209
#define Z2_DRIVER_TYPE TMC2209
#define E0_DRIVER_TYPE TMC2209
#define E1_DRIVER_TYPE TMC2209

change the TMC2209 to TMC2208.

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