Tool Path question

I’m having an issue with the tool path in ESTLCAM. where if the bit won’t fit it seems to say screw it and just go straight lol.This is with the 1/8 flat end mill If I try to use a 1/4 inch the problem is worse.! I was hoping it would just go as far as it can then I could run another smaller tool to finish the job But maybe it’s just easier to use a smaller bit IDK.

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I’ve noticed this on old versions of estlcam. It does fine with corners it can’t reach, but not great on bottlenecks. I wonder if you added a line, if it would treat it differently. You could also do the “manual” trace option. (pro tip, if you like what the green line traces, right click to use it). You could manually trace one edge and then stop before going into the bottleneck.