Voron 2.4 -

I just want to make it clear, Chris. This repeat build looks great, but you have some experts that have been doing the first 3 builds. It has a lot of potential, and it is very DIY, which can save some serious dollars.

But there is inherent risk with a new project like this. Make sure your patience, and budget can handle a few problems, up to and including failure (although I really hope it doesn’t come to that).

I am not trying to keep you from doing it. I have been very tempted to make one and I have a printer I already really like. But I just want to make sure you know what you’re getting into.


Yeah, sorry to flood the forum with all my Q’s -

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Questions are good!

That’s definitely not the problem. We love the questions and we love the enthusiasm.


To the first, I don’t know for sure. I think Ryan was aiming for a 200mm cube. I can pretty much guarantee it’s tall enough for a Primo core. :wink:

The CAD is parametric to a degree. It gets a little weird with some dimensions, but I was able to scale it up for my build, which uses 450mm Y rails and 300mm Z rails. (400mm Y rails is plenty for a 300mm square bed, BTW.)

For myself, I consider myself to be pretty good at the DIY thing. I designed my previous printer more or less from scratch. Also, I still have it, so even if this was a complete fail, I wasn’t going to be without. I also had confidence that I’d be able to do something with the parts.

I am finishing up a voron trident. From a few people I talked to who had both the 2.4 and the Trident they recommended going that route. I can’t comment too much about it compared to my ender as its not done yet, but I will say that it has been a lot of work/ in building a voron printer, and I had substantially more trouble with it than I did when I built my lowrider 2.

The trident route ?

The trident is the new version of the voron 1.

There are several voron printers and most are core xy its mainly how the Z axis works. 2.4 Z doesn’t move, and trident the Z moves.

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So with your change in size I presume you had to have a longer 20mm carbon fiber tube?

Yes. I bought one 500mm long and cut it down slightly.

I should have knocked 50mm off of my Y linear rails, too, but that’s something that I figured out after the build was done. There’s a lot of empty space at the front of the printer…

For the linear rails - did go with a certain type/brand ? Seems these are a good chuck of money - I did find some on Aliexpress for about 1/2 the price…

I’m a fan of LDO. Ali rails may be junk, might be alright. You never know until they show up.