What bit should I use for this

Hey everyone,

Getting around to using my CNC and needed some advice on the right bits to use for engraving and carving. I bought one of these Freud starter kits https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01LX903DH/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_glt_fabc_JZX3Z767JHM9K2XEWKP9?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1 and used the 60° vbit to make this for a friend. He’s happy with it but I think it could be better. Any advice on what are the go to or best for projects like this? Thanks!

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I think it came out fine, though I would have rotated the wood to put the knot under the text instead of the design… :slight_smile:

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Ah thanks, didn’t even see that, lol.

Maybe you were looking to do v-carve not engrave? But what you did look great :+1:like the group I grew up with them :flushed:

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